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Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order

for Xbox One

Accessibility Overview

Accessibility Overview

For more information visit the official Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order site.


This is a picture of the Controls settings menu.

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order offers a variety of customizable controller options such as photo mode. In the Controls menu, you can assign controller buttons to actions in the game as well as enable vibration.


This is a picture of the Gameplay settings menu.

Gameplay options allow customization of game difficulty, enemy and combat targeting, as well as subtitle settings. You can also change the game’s text language. 


This is a picture of the Visual settings menu.

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order offers many visual settings including brightness, motion blur, and camera shake. Adjusting these settings will help to great your personal game experience. 


This is a picture of the Audio settings menu.

Audio settings offers a variety of options to customize. These options include game volume, effects, and dialogue. You can also choose the type of audio output and dynamic range that is used during gameplay as well.