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Players Love Beating Their Friends in A Way Out’s Mini-Games

Put your friendship to the test - just like these jailbirds did.

Breaking out of prison may seem like serious business, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take a break for some harmless fun. A Way Out gives you and your pal a ton of ways to relax and add some friendly competition to your co-op experience, if you slow down mid-burglary to find them. Check out all the mini-game action you and your partner in crime can have between violent robberies and high-speed police chases.

Chin-ups, Dips, Push-ups, and Sit-ups
Prison Yard

You’re going to have to beef up if you have a chance of bending those prison bars. Grab your workout buddy and run this mini-game exercise circuit. Hitting buttons as fast as you can is actually a heck of a workout.


Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades, and hand grenades would’ve made breaking out of prison too easy. You’ll have to settle for beating your friend with a few dead ringers.

Banjo Hero

It’s just like if they had Rock Band in the 1970’s. Pick the piano or the banjo and see which one of you jams the hardest. Musical talent optional.

Trailer Park

The key to victory is balance, precision, and unflappable concentration. Or blocking the dartboard.

Trailer Park

Hit it out of the park. This game’s a grand slam. Give it a whack!

Trailer Park

We don’t keep score here, but you can still destroy an eight-year-old in a pick-up game.

Arm Wrestling
Construction Site

It starts out all fun and games, then twenty minutes later you’re deadlocked, thumbs aching, with no end in sight. Surrender is not an option.

Four in a Row

Suddenly A Way Out turns into the most intense strategy game of 2018. Make sure to talk as much smack as possible while your buddy’s trying to plan their next move – all’s fair in love, war, and Connect Four.

Wheelchair Wheelies

You may not have known balancing in a wheelchair could be a competition an hour ago, but once you start you can’t stop.

Bottle Shooting

There’s no score-keeping here, or a game to win, but it's a great time! And you have to do something with all these bottles.

Airplane Hangar

Did you slink away in dart-defeat back in the trailer park? Now is the time to exact your revenge.

Bench Press
Airplane Hangar

Make sure to spot your buddy, even if they just beat you at darts again.

Airplane Hangar

A video game called Grenade Brothers, inside a video game played by two guys who might as well be brothers. There’s a lot to unpack here, but ignore that and just throw grenades.

A Way Out is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Origin on PC. Bring a friend (for free) and break out today. Then check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and post videos of you and your pal going toe-to-toe.