Play Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare with Origin Game Time

You can play Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare for free with Origin Game Time!
That’s right, you can experience PvZGW on PC and it won’t cost you a thing. Just add the title to your Origin Game Library now and download it whenever you want.
Your Game Time clock doesn't begin ticking down until you launch the fully-installed Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare for the very first time. Once it does, you’ll have the next 72 hours to play!
Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare pits teams of plants against squads of zombies to see who can dominate suburban arenas in 24-player multiplayer action. The better you do, the more you unlock. The more you unlock, the crazier it gets.
Download PvZGW with Origin Game Time and your experience will include tons of great new content: a new map (Crash Course), a new game mode (Suburbination, a zany take on the Domination-like “capture the waypoints” challenge), a brand new character (a community-choice custom take on the Pea Shooter) and much more.
Remember: Origin Game Time has a real-time clock which will continue to run whether you’re in the game or taking a break.
Origin Game Time is just one of many great ways to play more EA games! Check out Origin On the House to download EA titles for free, or sign up now for EA Access on Xbox One and get unlimited access to The Vault.
Download PvZGW with Origin Game Time today. Have fun!
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