The Sims 4 StrangerVille Walkthrough
Unravel the mystery of the Secret Laboratory
In Their Own Words

The Sims 4 Associate Producer, Antonio Romeo, walks you through The Sims 4: StrangerVille, and provides a few gameplay tips that may help your Sims unravel the mystery of the Secret Laboratory.
When players move into StrangerVille from February 26th on PC and Mac, they’re going to be greeted by some very peculiar looking Sims acting super creepy and weird. They’ll also notice strange purple glowing pod plants sprouting up around town, Federal Agents on the streets and suspicious looking vans. Apparently, all is not what it seems…

In fact, some of these weird townies are ‘actively possessed’ Sims, which explains their odd behavior as they bumble around planting Bizarre Fruit and Bizarre Plants in random places—like your fridge! If this happens, Secret Agents will show up to remove them and eradicate any source of infection. This will fuel players curiosity as they question what's going on around them. If players are looking for a more guided experience, I recommend using our brand new Aspiration 'StrangerVille Mystery'. This will ensure your Sims stay on track in solving what mysteries could be hiding in this strange town.

Their first step with this aspiration is to visit the StrangerVille Plaza and seek out the town's Military Personnel at the Local Bar, Scientists at the Library and Conspiracy Theorists walking around town. These factions may be able to offer your Sims essential clues if you ‘Ask About StrangerVille’. After you gain some information from the townsfolk, be sure to visit the Curio Shop outside the trailer park in the StrangerVille Plaza. They are bound to have some helpful information. Once you talk a bit with them and browse some Curio, it’s time to finally check out that Secret Lab.
When they reach the Secret Lab, two things are apparent. One, it’s completely abandoned and, two there’s a large sealed door. Players should have their sims 'Examine' the door to see if there is a way to open it, and start their investigation. There’s also a notable amount of items scattered around, which could be useful evidence. Make sure to photograph these, the Lab Door, and those Bizarre plants—which could prove fruitful. Once your Sim has gathered enough evidence at the Lab, it’s time to head back into town.
Once there, seek out those specific factions again by visiting their favorite venues like the Local Bar (for Military Personnel) or the Library (for Scientists). Establishing a relationship with them will help your Sim gather more evidence to ‘Compile a Secret Dossier’, which they’ll need to obtain a ‘Keycard’ and open lab doors.
Obtaining a Keycard can be achieved in different ways. Once you have the Secret Dossier in your Sims Inventory, click on any of the Faction NPC’s that you’ve built relationships with, your Sim can request one directly from them. Or you can take it to the Curios Shop Request a Keycard from its owner, who’ll let you know that they have one in their 'Secret Inventory'. Opening that will let your Sims purchase a Keycard directly from them.

As soon as your Sim has the Keycard, they will be instructed through The StrangerVille Mystery Aspiration, to go back to the lab and open the Sealed Door. Once the first door of the Secret Lab opens you’ll notice the world start to change, and not necessarily for the better...
Once your Sim goes deeper into the Secret Lab, they will be confronted by a hazardous roadblock of foggy mist and spores. Some players may walk into it for investigation purposes, and others may avoid it, but where’s the fun in that? The choice is yours, but your goal here is to find a way past the Spore Hallway in order to go deeper into the Secret Lab.
As you begin poking around on the second floor of the lab, players will notice a red pulsating Chemical Analyzer. Clicking the item will display an interaction that’s blocked until you get 15 Spore Clusters. These Clusters can be found by using an Infection Scanner, something which is issued to every Military Personnel in StrangerVille. So players should head to the Local Bar and start questioning them about Spores in the Secret Lab.
Players can obtain a scanner from any of the Military Personnel, in a few different ways. Fighting them to win a scanner is one approach, seducing them is another, bribing them or impressing them by demonstrating your Sims physical prowess. Whichever method players choose, your goal should be to obtain the Infection Scanner at any cost.
With the Infection Scanner in your Sims Inventory, you will now have a new interaction, to Scan by clicking on the ground. Sims can scan areas for potential spore clusters and collect them, but note that the scanner only has 3 charges on it, and will need time to cool down and recharge. It works best near high concentrations of Spores, and the best place for that is most likely the Secret Lab.

Once players have gathered 15 Spore Clusters, they will be able to use the Chemical Analyzer on the second floor of the secret lab, to construct the Infection Profile Data. This infection Profile Data will be very useful to any Scientist around StrangerVille. It may even help them find a way to filter those hazardous Spores. With the Profile Data in your Sims Inventory, head to the local Library and talk with a Scientist. Build enough relationship with them and they might be able to construct a Spore Filter for you.
With the Spore Filter to hand, it’s time to combine it with a Hazmat Suit. Doing so, will fully protect your Sims from the Spore Hallway. So have your Sim revisit the Curio Shop owner to talk to them about the Spores in the Lab. You never know, they might have something useful in their Secret Inventory. Once you obtain the Incomplete Hazmat Suit and the Spore Filter, players will be able to combine them both by clicking the items in their Sims inventory. With the Modified Hazmat Suit fully constructed, your Sim can wear it by clicking the item once more on your Sims Inventory.
This will surely protect them from those toxic Spores in the lab, as your Sims wade deeper into the Secret Lab and uses the Keycard to open that second door. And as you explore further, players will find one final door. But what's behind it? You’ll have to find that out for yourself in The Sims 4: StrangerVille!
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