Continuing The Origin Conversation

Since its launch in June 2011, Origin has undergone a quiet evolution, smoothing corners, strengthening foundations, and adding—piece by piece—the elements needed to make it a truly enjoyable gaming platform. However, in focusing so intently on what’s to come, we haven’t always succeeded in communicating what’s already available. That’s where our users bring invaluable insight to the Origin conversation.
Recently, Jon Peddie got in touch with EA about what he thought was a missing feature; he had purchased a game on Origin and wanted to run it on a new PC, but couldn’t get past an error screen and was understandably frustrated. We were able to connect with him about what was happening and rebuild his account to fix the issue. The exchange also made it obvious to us that some of Origin’s most fundamental features—like the ability to play your games from any PC—weren’t as clear as we’d hoped.
That’s where you come in. Like Peddie, you have a unique opportunity to engage us in conversation and help shape the future of Origin. That’s why we’d like to ask you to use take a moment and leave a comment about (1) Your favorite Origin feature and (2) A feature you’d like to see added or improved upon.
We will also be hosting a live Q&A with Origin Creative Director Robert Kissinger and Product Manager Mike Lewis this Tuesday, May 8 at 10:00 a.m. PT. Check back soon for more information and instructions on how to RSVP for this special event.
Experiencing a more technical issue with Origin? You can always contact Origin Help for friendly, 24/7 assistance.