Watch The World Premiere TV Debut Of Medal of Honor Warfighter During The Champions League…

Watch the Medal of Honor Warfighter world TV premiere during the UEFA Champions League Final Sky Sports 1 Saturday 19th May exclusively at half-time 8.30pm.
However, if your patience is getting the better of you - then Medal of Honor Warfighter is proud to present “Ask a Tier 1”! Our fans have a unique opportunity to ask questions to a former Tier 1 Operator. Ask your Tier 1 question on the Medal of Honor Facebook and Twitter pages.
Ask A Question On Facebook
1.Go to the Ask a Tier 1 Facebook post
2.Ask your question in the comments
3.Answers will be revealed on Friday, May 18
Ask A Qustion On Twitter
1.Follow @MedalofHonor on Twitter
2.Tweet your question with the #AskATier1 hashtag to be considered
3.Answers will be revealed on Friday, May 18
PLEASE be respectful and considerate when asking your question.
The Operator will answer anything he is able to, but obviously cannot go into details around specific operations. Questions will be curated by the Community Team.
Thanks and we look forward to answering your Tier 1 questions!
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