SimCity For Apple Mac FAQ

Update for all our Apple Mayors - SimCity for the Mac is releasing. For more information, please read our official FAQ below.
Q: When will the Mac version be available?
A: SimCity for Mac will be available in Spring 2013.
Q: Why is the Mac port launching later?
A: This isn’t a Mac port, but a full native version that runs on the Mac OS. Because of this, we want to take the time to ensure that Mac fans will get a version worthy of their platform.
Q: How will users purchase the Mac version?
A: You will be able to pre-order SimCity for Mac soon. Stay tuned for more information.
Q: Will the Mac version be available at retail?
A: The Mac version will only be available as a digital download.
Q: Will the Digital Deluxe version be available for Mac?
A: Yes. You will be able to purchase the standard, Limited Edition and Digital Deluxe versions for Mac.
Q: Does SimCity support cross-platform play between PC and Mac users?
A: Yes. Everyone is playing together on the same servers. That means PC and Mac users will be building the world of tomorrow, together.
Q: Will PC and Mac users be able to play with one another?
A: Yes!
Q: Will Mac players be part of the same SimCity World as PC players, or will they be separated?
A: Yes, Mac players and PC players will be part of the same world.
Q: What system specs are you targeting with the Mac version?
A: Like the PC version, we are aiming to make the game as accessible as possible. Any user with Snow Leopard and a Core 2 processor will be able to enjoy SimCity for Mac.
Q: Will the Mac version have any advantages or additions over the PC version?
A: The Mac version will have the same features as the PC version.