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It Takes Two

for Xbox One

Accessibility Resources

Accessibility Overview Game Camera Sound Display Controls

Accessibility Settings

This is a picture of the Accessibility setting listed below

Narrate Path

Turn ON or OFF to turn on menu narration. This feature is currently only available in the US, in English. 


Color Blind Mode

Adjust to select various color blindness options. This option includes Off, Tritanopia-Blue Weak, Protanopia-Red Weak, and Deuteranopia-Green Weak. 


Voice Chat

Turn ON or OFF to enable or disable voice chat. 


Convert Voice Chat to Text Chat

Turn ON or OFF to enable or disable voice chat to text. This feature is currently only available in the US, in English. 


Enable Text to Speech

Turn ON or OFF to enable or disable Text to Speech. Text entered will be converted to voice chat. This feature is currently only available in the US, in English. 


This picture shows the Accessibility settings listed below


Adjust overall game brightness. This option includes Lowest, Lower, Default, Higher, and Highest. 



Adjust overall game contrast This option includes Lowest, Lower, Default, Higher, and Highest.