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Jedi Fallen Order

for Xbox One

Text Manual

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Xbox Manual




Game Menus

In Game

Saving, Healing, and Spending Skill Points




Dear Players,

Thank you for choosing to play Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order™ a wonderful adventure awaits you in a galaxy far, far away! It has been a dream come true for us to work on this game and bring our love of Star Wars to you. We sincerely hope you have as much fun, sense of wonder, surprise, and excitement playing this as we did making it.

May the Force be with you, Jedi.

The Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order team



Xbox One Wireless Controller

Move: Left stick

Look: Right stick

Jump: A button

Attack: X button

Force Attack: Y button

Evade: B button

Target Enemy: Right stick (press)

Interact: Right stick (press)

Slow: RB button

Heal: dpad up

Sheathe: dpad left

Block/Parry/Illuminate: LB button

Climb: LT button

Sprint: Left stick (press)

Map: View button

Pause/Menu: Menu button


Game Menus

Main Menu

Start New Journey

Begin a new adventure from the start of the game.


Start the game from your last save point.

Load Journey

Choose a different save to start your game from.


Pause Menu

Press the Menu button during gameplay to enter the Pause menu.


View Cal’s abilities and the Skill Tree.


Change Cal, BD-1, or the Mantis’s look.


View information gained through Echoes or Scans.

Tactical Guide

View information gained through Scans on creatures.


Set your personal preferences for Controls, Gameplay, Visuals, Audio, or Quit the game.


In Game


This is you.

Block Stamina

As you block attack Cal’s stamina will go down. Once empty, you are open to an attack from enemies.

Force Meter

This depletes as you use Force Abilities, but it is regained by attacking enemies.

Stim Canisters

This number represents times BD-1 can return life to Cal.


Life will drain as you take damage from enemies. Once it is empty, you will be defeated and respawn at your last Mediation Circle.


Saving, Healing, and Spending Skill Points

Meditation Circles

Throughout the game, Cal will encounter Meditation Circles. Interacting with them allows you to save your game.


While interacting with a Meditation Point, Cal can choose to Rest. This refills Cal’s life, Force, and Stim Canisters. However, this also respawns all the enemies you have defeated.

Spending Skill Points

As you progress through the game acquiring experience points, Cal will gain Skill Points.  You can spend these skill points at the Skill Tree in Meditation Circles.



The Map

BD-1 can project the map anytime by pressing the View button. On the Map you can see the current mission objectives and paths to unexplored areas (orange), gates you can open (green), and gates you cannot (red). Use the map to help you find new areas to explore, or new gates to open after you acquire a new ability.


BD-1 can toss Cal a Stim Canister at any time to replenish his life by pressing the dpad up. You can find more Stim Canisters throughout the world and they replenish when you rest at a Meditation Circle.