• Welcome to Mirror’s Edge™ Catalyst

    It’s been 8 years since Faith’s first appearance. 4 years of development behind her return. And here we are, rolling out Mirror’s Edge™ Catalyst to the world. With our minds constantly set on the future for so long, looking back is staggering.

    During this time, we’ve identified with Faith – both with her struggles and her determination. There have been days where we’ve felt like we’ve been taking on the impossible. Other times, our momentum and determination has made us unstoppable.

    Bringing back Mirror’s Edge, our design vision has been a truly unique first-person experience based on movement, helmed by an iconic heroine. Now it’s time to hand that vision over to you.

    We’d like to thank each and every one of you who’s been with us on this journey. We cannot emphasize enough how motivating and important your support has been. Your patience with our extended development, your participation and feedback during the closed beta, your excitement with our trailers and articles – all priceless.

    Now, go explore the city of Glass. Jump into the story of Faith and the people around her. Go head to head with KrugerSec, unlock new moves and attacks, master the MAG Rope. Take on Dashes, create your own Time Trials. Try it all out – and enjoy.

    It’s time to run.

    Sara Jansson, Senior Producer

    Amo Mostofi, Producer
    Erik Odeldahl, Design Director

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