Battlefield™ Hardline Premium

A scene from Battlefield Hardline of two armed criminals holding someone hostage in a dimly lit warehouse. is now the current item in the media gallery

An image of a video game character in a tactical vest holding a gun with the logo for Battlefield Hardline Premium.
مكوّن إضافي
متاح في
يتطلّب Battlefield™ Hardline للاستخدام.
على تطبيق EA بدءًا من
أنت تشتري ترخيصاً للوصول إلى هذا المحتوى الرقمي وفق اتفاقية المستخدم. تطبّق و شروط البيع.
M (Mature)
Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language, Use of Drugs
Users Interact

معلومات حول اللعبة:

Score all four expansion packs, 12 bonus Battlepacks, and more with a Premium Membership. Prepare for the ultimate cops vs. criminals experience with Battlefield Hardline Premium Membership. Get access to all four expansion packs: Criminal Activity, Robbery, Getaway, and Betrayal. Better yet, Premium members also get to play them two weeks before anyone else, giving you a competitive edge on the streets. Plus, turn up the heat with twelve bonus Battlepacks, exclusive gear, and more. A Premium Membership really does pay.


PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox


Czech, German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese (Traditional)


Electronic Arts


Visceral Games

تاريخ الإصدار

١٦ مارس ٢٠١٥ - ١٢ ص UTC

متطلبات النظام


  • OS

    Windows Vista 64-bit (with KB971512 update)

  • Processor

    Athlon II/Phenom II 2.8 GHz, Intel Core I3/I5 2.4GHz

  • Memory

    4 GB

  • Graphics card

    ATI 5770 with 1GB VRAM or better/Nvidia GTX260 with 896MB VRAM or better

  • Storage

    60 GB

  • DirectX



  • OS

    Windows 8 64-bit (with KB971512 update)

  • Processor

    Intel Quad-Core CPU, AMD Six-Core CPU

  • Memory

    8 GB

  • Graphics card

    AMD 290, Nvidia GTX760

  • Graphics memory

    3 GB

  • Storage

    60 GB

  • DirectX
