Stream Assets and Overlays

By using the materials contained in the Apex Legends Creator Kit (the “Creator Materials”) you agree to be bound by these terms.

All rights in the Creator Materials belong to Electronic Arts Inc. (“EA”), its affiliated companies or licensors. We grant you a personal, non-exclusive, non- transferable, revocable, royalty free license to display and use the Creator Materials for your personal, non-commercial use on your own social media channel(s). If you use the Creator Materials, you must comply with the following rules:

  • You may use the Creator Materials for the sole purpose of creating your own Apex Legends social media content.
  • Your channels must be non-commercial and must not charge a fee, seek monetary contributions, or offer any goods or services for a fee or other consideration. However, you may monetize content that incorporates Creator Materials through passive advertisements, including on your social media channels on platforms such as YouTube.
  • Your use of Creator Materials must be tasteful and shall not include or contain links to websites or advertisements containing any of the following:
    • Hacks or cheats
    • Inappropriate or obscene content
    • Inflammatory or offensive content
    • Unlawful or infringing content
    • Other objectionable content, as determined by EA
  • Your channels must not engage in any activities that violate any EA End User License Agreement or User Agreement related to Apex Legends.
  • Any fansite that you create using the Creator Materials must include the following notice:

"This site was created under Electronic Arts’ Fansite Kit Terms using materials from Apex Legends. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Game materials copyright Electronic Arts Inc. and/or its licensors. Electronic Arts Inc. and its licensors have not otherwise endorsed and are not responsible for the operation of or content on this site.”

  • You will not use any other logos, trademarks, or names owned by us or our associated companies or licensors except those provided in the Creator Materials.
  • You will not use any domain names that closely mimic or are confusingly similar to the trademarks of EA or its licensors.
  • You must not alter or modify the Creator Materials or attempt to do so, except as necessary to proportionally resize for your channels.
  • You acknowledge and agree that no title nor any other form of ownership to the Creator Materials has been or will be transferred to you from EA.

EA can terminate this license and withdraw your right to use the Creator Materials at any time and for any reason. In other words, you agree to remove the Creator Materials if you do not follow these rules.

We do not give you any guarantees about the quality, availability or performance of the Creator Materials or our rights in the Creator Materials.

This License is governed by United States and California law (without regard to conflicts of law).

Click “I Accept”; if you agree to the above terms. If you decline, you may not use the Creator Materials.

Thumbnail asset for the stream assets and overlays zip folder.