Battlefield 4

A rendering from Battlefield 4 of a military helicopter stationary on a road in a scenic mountainous area. is now the current item in the media gallery

Soldier in combat gear running with tanks behind him amidst a dark rainy city with the Battlefield 4 logo in the foreground.
Základní Hra
K dispozici
Aplikace EA počínaje
Kupujete si licenci pro přístup k tomuto digitálnímu obsahu v souladu s ujednáním Uživatelské smlouvy EA. Na nákup se vztahují a PODMÍNKY PRODEJE.Tato hra obsahuje volitelné nákupy virtuální měny ve hře, kterou lze použít k získání virtuálních herních předmětů, včetně namátkového výběru virtuálních herních předmětů.
M (Mature)
Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language
Users Interact


Solider in combat gear looking over his shoulder with a city landscape in the background and Battlefield 4 Premium Edition logo in the foreground.

Premium Edition

  • Battlefield 4™ Game
  • Battlefield 4™ Premium
  • 12 Battlepacks
Soldier in combat gear running with tanks behind him amidst a dark rainy city with the Battlefield 4 logo in the foreground.

Standard Edition

  • Battlefield 4™ Game
  • Battlefield 4™ Premium
  • Battlepacks

O hře

Fueled by the next-generation power and fidelity of Frostbite™ 3, Battlefield 4 provides a visceral, dramatic experience unlike any other. Only in Battlefield can you demolish the buildings shielding your enemy. Only in Battlefield will you lead an assault from the back of a gun boat. Do more and be more by playing to your strengths and carving your own path to victory. In addition to its hallmark multiplayer, Battlefield 4 features an intense, dramatic, character-driven campaign that starts with the evacuation of American VIPs from Shanghai and follows your squad’s struggle to find its way home. Immerse yourself in the glorious chaos of all-out war, found only in Battlefield.


Steam, PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox


Czech, German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese (Traditional)


Electronic Arts

Vývojové studio


Datum vydání

29. 10. 2013 - 4 UTC

Systémové požadavky


  • OS


  • Processor (AMD)

    Athlon X2 2.8 GHz

  • Processor (Intel)

    Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz

  • Memory

    4 GB

  • Hard Drive

    30 GB

  • Graphics card (AMD)

    AMD Radeon HD 3870

  • Graphics card (NVIDIA)

    Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT

  • Graphics memory

    512 MB


  • OS

    Windows 8 64-bit

  • Processor (AMD)

    Six-core CPU

  • Processor (Intel)

    Quad-core CPU

  • Memory

    8 GB

  • Hard Drive

    30 GB

  • Graphics card (AMD)

    AMD Radeon HD 7870

  • Graphics card (Nvidia)

    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660

  • Graphics memory

    3 GB

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