Dead Space 3

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Packart of Isaac Clarke for Dead Space 3
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Aplikace EA počínaje
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M (Mature)
Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language
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O hře

Journey across space to the icy planet of Tau Volantis with Isaac Clarke and Sgt. John Carver to discover and destroy the source of the Necromorph outbreak. Comb the harsh environment for raw materials and scavenge parts to create the ultimate customized weapons and survival tools. You’ll need them if Issac and Carver hope to make it off the planet alive. And Necromorphs are just one of many enemies they’ll face this time around. Overcome avalanches, treacherous ice climbs, violent wilderness, and an army of deadlier, more evolved enemies on your mission to save mankind from the impending apocalypse.


Steam, PC, Xbox


German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian


Electronic Arts

Vývojové studio

Visceral Games

Datum vydání

5. 2. 2013 - 5 UTC

Systémové požadavky


  • OS

    Windows XP (SP3), Vista (SP1) or WINDOWS 7

  • Processor

    2.8 GHz processor or equivalent

  • Memory

    1 GB RAM (XP), 2 GB RAM (Vista or Windows 7)

  • Graphics card

    NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or better (7300, 7600 GS, and 8500 are below minimum system requirements). ATI X1600 Pro or better (X1300, X1300 Pro and HD2400 are below minimum system requirements)

  • Graphics memory

    256MB Video Card and Shader Model 3.0 required

  • DirectX

    DirectX 9.0c

  • Storage

    10GB plus additional space for saved games.

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