Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst

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Cover art for Mirror's Edge Catalyst.
Základní Hra
K dispozici
Aplikace EA počínaje
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T (Teen)
Mild Language, Violence

O hře

ONLINE FEATURES FOR THIS TITLE HAVE BEEN DISCONTINUED.   Run, leap, and fight your way to freedom in the city of Glass. Get ready to hit the ground running in this fast-paced, free-running adventure with stunning visuals. Experience Faith’s incredible freedom of movement as she darts up walls, zips down wires, and makes death-defying leaps from rooftop to rooftop. Combine her punishing martial arts skills with a mastery of the surroundings to take out any enemies she can’t outrun.


Steam, PC, PlayStation®, Xbox


German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese (Traditional)


Electronic Arts

Vývojové studio


Datum vydání

7. 6. 2016 - 4 UTC

Systémové požadavky


  • OS

    Windows® 7 64-Bit (use the latest Service Pack)

  • CPU

    Intel i3-3250 / AMD FX-6350. (Note: Mirror's Edge Catalyst requires at least 4 logical cores to run.)

  • RAM

    6 GB

  • Hard Drive

    At least 25 GB of free space

  • Video

    NVIDIA GeForce® GTX 650 Ti 2GB or better / AMD Radeon™ R9 270x or better

  • Input

    Keyboard and mouse, dual analog controller


  • OS

    Windows® 10 64-Bit (use the latest Service Pack)

  • CPU

    Intel Core i7-3770 at 3.4 GHz / AMD FX-8350 at 4.0 GHz

  • RAM

    16 GB

  • Hard Drive

    At least 25 GB of free space

  • Video

    NVIDIA GeForce® GTX 970 4GB or better / AMD Radeon™ R9 280x 3GB or better

  • Input

    Keyboard and mouse, dual analog controller

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