Getting into the Gaming Industry

The Full Circle team shares industry insights and more about their journeys into working in game development.

Recently, members of the Full Circle team took the virtual stage to host a panel for the students of Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada. They shared a bit about their career journeys, what it’s like making video games for a living, and advice for those looking to get into this industry. Now, we’re bringing that advice to you! Check out what our panelists had to say:




What do you want people to know about working in game development?

“It's a relatively young industry made up of incredibly passionate people that just want to make the best game possible. Because of its youth, I've really felt that it's full of people who embrace innovation and celebrate change. You have to be able to find comfort in the uncertainty and learn through failures, but I think that's what makes game development so exciting.”

- Angela, Studio Engagement & Culture Specialist


What does gaming mean to you?

“Games are exciting and meaningful to me because they feel similar to improvisational theater or pantomime. Players are on the stage telling their own stories based on the set dressing and stage direction that the game gives them. This gives games the opportunity to not only produce well crafted linear narratives, but also create vast story spaces; where the players get to mold their journey in a collaboration with the game itself. It turns out, that’s pretty fun!”

- Logan, Systems Designer


What’s one piece of advice you would give to someone wanting to do what you do?

“Never give up. I started my Software Engineering journey after I graduated from college with the goal of one day becoming a Game Developer. It took me several years to achieve it and a lot of failed interviews, but just remember that each failed attempt is a learning opportunity.”

- Jay, Lead Test Software Engineer


What do you hope to see in the gaming industry within the next 10 years?

“I would like to see games become more accessible to everyone. As a developer, I want people to experience all the extensive detail and care we put into our work. Removing barriers to entry and utilizing emerging tech to get our games into the hands of as many people as possible is very exciting to me.”

- Elliott, Lead Level Designer


If you could go back in time and give your past self one piece of advice, what would it be?

“You don’t have to be perfect at everything, or know how to do everything. Making mistakes, owning them, and learning from those actions will help you grow personally and professionally. You’ll overcome more challenges confidently over time.” 

- Andrea, Associate Producer


Are you looking to get into the gaming industry? See open positions at Full Circle here.


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