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Take control of your play

Positive playing experiences and player tools go hand-in-hand.

We believe in the power of positive play. Everyone should feel welcome, safe, and in control of their gaming experience.

There are different ways to enhance and manage your and your family’s experience when playing games online. Check out our guidance on:

Account and Platform Tools

Game Tools

Game Ratings

Stay Safe Online

Account and Platform Tools

Account and Platform Tools

When using EA’s online services, you can play, chat and, in some cases, share other content with players including friends. The first step in ensuring you, and your family, have a positive and safe experience when playing is understanding the tools available on your game platforms.

Most major gaming platforms have player and family or parental controls that make it easy to create and manage family accounts.


Choose the guide for your platform(s) here:

EA app



parental controls


parental controls

Google Play

parental controls

Nintendo Switch

parental controls


parental controls


parental controls


parental controls

Game Tools

Understanding In-Game Tools.

At Electronic Arts, we want to empower our players and parents to make informed decisions about gameplay.

FC Playtime was designed to help FC players understand and control how they play. Use it to get an overview of how much time you spend playing, the FUT packs opened, the FC Points purchased as well as to set limits to manage your engagement.

Game Ratings

Video Game Ratings Systems

We know it’s important to understand and be comfortable with the video games you and your children are playing.

Video game rating systems are designed to help players and parents make informed decisions about the games they choose for themselves or their children. 

All EA games are labeled with a rating that suggests an age for which the content may be most suitable, like you would see on a movie poster or streaming service. 

Ratings systems also give additional  information on features, like in-game purchasing. Game ratings and content descriptors can vary by country.

Australian Classification

Australian Classification is responsible for the classification of films, computer games and publications.

Learn more about ACB

Electronic Arts Games & Ratings

General (G)

The content is very mild in impact. The G classification is suitable for everyone. G products may contain classifiable elements such as language and themes that are very mild in impact. However, some G-classified computer games may contain content that is not of interest to children.

Browse Games

Parental Guidance (PG)

The content is mild in impact. The impact of PG (Parental Guidance) classified computer games should be no higher than mild, but they may contain content that children find confusing or upsetting and may require the guidance of parents and guardians. They may, for example, contain classifiable elements such as language and themes that are mild in impact. It is not recommended for viewing or playing by persons under 15 without guidance from parents or guardians.

Browse Games

Mature (M)

The content is moderate in impact. Computer games classified M (Mature) contain content of a moderate impact and are recommended for teenagers aged 15 years and over. Children under 15 may legally access this material because it is an advisory category. However, M classified computer games may include classifiable elements such as violence and nudity of moderate impact that are not recommended for children under 15 years. Parents and guardians may need to find out more about the computer game's specific content, before deciding whether the material is suitable for their child.

Browse Games

Mature Accompanied (MA 15+)

The content is strong in impact. MA 15+ classified material contains strong content and is legally restricted to persons 15 years and over. It may contain classifiable elements such as sex scenes and drug use that are strong in impact. A person may be asked to show proof of their age before hiring or purchasing an MA 15+ computer game. Children under the age of 15 may not legally watch, buy or hire MA 15+ classified material unless they are in the company of a parent or adult guardian. The guardian must be an adult exercising parental control over the person under 15 years of age. The guardian needs to be 18 years or older.

Browse Games

Restricted (R 18+)

The content is high in impact. R 18+ material is legally restricted to adults. Such material may contain classifiable elements such as sex scenes and drug use that are high in impact. Some material classified R18+ may be offensive to sections of the adult community. A person may be asked for proof of their age before purchasing, hiring or viewing R18+ computer games.

Browse Games

Stay Safe Online

Stay Safe Online

Be Discreet

Consider carefully who you share your information with. Avoid sharing personal or private information online, including when creating your EA ID. Never share anything that could be used to locate you or another person in real life, such as a full name, email address, home address or phone number. People may act differently IRL than they do online. If you want to meet someone IRL that you’ve been talking to online, always let a friend, parent or guardian know.

Be Secure

Ensure your system is up-to-date and protected by using security software (such as virus and malware scanners). Do not open, reply to or forward an email or attachment unless you know the person who sent it to you, and you’ve checked it for viruses. The content could contain damaging software (such as spyware or viruses) or it might be offensive.

Be Positive

Treat others with respect and don’t be afraid to call out bad behavior. Learn more about our Positive Play Charter and how to report players.

We're Commited to Positive Play

Keeping Things Fair with EA AntiCheat System for PCEA anticheat

Electronic Arts Inc.
EA anticheat for PC, a new technology, lets us keep the game fair and protect you from other gamers using exploits. Číst dál

Strengthening Our Commitments to Accessibility and Inclusion

Inside EA
To inspire the world to play, we must design stories, characters, experiences and services that resonate with all players. Číst dál

Using our patents to drive positive play

Inside EA
Announcing a new patent pledge aimed at sharing some of our most innovative technology. Číst dál
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