• QUALITY OF LIFE UPDATE Welcome to the August Update, a quality of life change for Battlefield 1.

    This update is focused on addressing some in-game bugs, tweaking some features, and balance adjustments.

    This is a small, required update for all Battlefield 1 players.

    • Fixed a performance issue when players were in an Xbox party of 4 more players.
    • Fixed an issue where the mid-round team balancer wasn’t working.
    • Fixed various crashes.
    • Fixed an issue where sometimes players at max rank didn’t have enough war bonds to buy everything available.
    • Fixed an issue where the Field Gun’s rotation would reverse when the Decouple Aiming option was turned on.
    • Fixed the Dud Club’s damage description.
    • Fixed an issue where Tanker and Pilot weapons were available in the Back to Basics custom game mode.
    • Fixed an issue where the team balancing message was sometimes not displayed.
    • Fixed an issue where the Objective Icon Opacity icon did not affect objectives in Frontlines.
    • Reorganized some of the Commo Rose options in the Options screen.
    • Players will now get kicked for being idle in pre-round for Official servers.
    • Mid-round team balancer threshold reduced to 3+ players.
    • Mid-round team balancer timer reduced from 30 to 15 seconds.

    As always, we appreciate your constructive feedback. Thanks and we’ll see you on the battlefield!

    The Teams at EA/DICE

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