Under the Hood: Chalking Up Another Year
Celebrate Need for Speed’s 24th birthday with a week of great gifts.

Birthdays are always cause for a celebration, and while it’s quite often games get third or fifth anniversaries, it’s not that often a twenty-fourth rolls around. But Need for Speed just hit the gas on its twenty-fourth year, so it’s time to throw a bit of a party.

Cast your mind back to August 31, 1994 and the release of The Need for Speed on 3DO. We’ve seen some legendary moments since then, and everyone has their favourite game in the series. Whether you’ve been a fan from the beginning, Got Low during the Underground era, took on the cops in Hot Pursuit, or just joined us on our journey, there’s almost always a Need for Speed memory that you hold close to your heart.
Now it’s time to celebrate all that with a proper birthday party. So, what do we have planned for the coming week? Glad you asked, because there are a host of things happening in Need for Speed Payback to help you celebrate this momentous occasion.
New Abandoned Car
Next week’s Abandoned Car is one that you’d normally find cruising around the streets of Bayview in Need for Speed: Underground 2 – Rachel’s Nissan 350z. Get behind the wheel of one of the most iconic cars in the Need for Speed series, but remember, it can only be found in Fortune Valley for a limited time.
Double Rep
August 28 will be a Double REP day. Just picture the scene: you’re flying around the streets of Fortune Valley in your new Nissan 350z, earning double REP as you tear in and out of traffic. You own these streets.
Double Cash
August 29 is the time to earn yourself some cash, because we’ll be activating Double Cash for 24 hours. If you’ve had your eye on a brand-new set of wheels, or even multiple new rides, then don’t wait! Splash the cash and complete that dream garage.
Birthday Presents
August 31 is the big day, and we’re tearing up the traditional birthday playbook and giving you the gifts. Hit the streets of Fortune Valley that day and receive five Premium Shipments. But wait, there’s more!
From August 31 – September 3, play Need for Speed Payback and you’ll receive a special vanity item: the Firework Animated Underglow. Make that sweet ride even sweeter.
Next year, we’ll be back and celebrating an even bigger milestone as the Need for Speed series turns a quarter of a century old. You can bet that birthday will be special. We’ll bring the cake.
From all of us here at Ghost, thank you for being a part of Need for Speed. We look forward to creating more memories with you all in the years to come.
Stay tuned.