Utilize a wide array of tactics, trooper classes, land vehicles, reinforcement units, and hero characters to attack and defend strategic areas across the surface. Then, engage in close-quarters battles throughout the interiors of capital ships, stationed above the battlefront.
Battle for Dominance

Ground Phase
Two teams of 20, aided by 12 additional non-human, AI controlled troopers on each side, fight to control a majority of five command posts on the ground. Win the combat on the surface to get a shot at taking down the enemy capital ship.
Capture Command Posts

Invasion Phase
The mission is to destroy – or crush the invaders’ attempt at doing so – the capital ship from the inside. If the attackers manage to break through and obliterate the vessel’s weak points, the game is over. If the defenders successfully fend them off, the battle goes back to the ground.
Bring Down the Enemy Vessel

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