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Kit Reveal - Merrin

Emperor's Demise Event



CATEGORIES: Nightsister, Support



BASIC: Ichor Bolt

Final Text: Deal Special damage to target enemy and inflict 2 stacks of Plague for 3 turns.

SPECIAL 1: Shadow Stride - Cooldown 3 (ZETA) - Unlocks at Gear 12

Final Text: Inflict 2 stacks of Plague on all enemies for 3 turns and all Nightsister allies recover 10% Health and Protection. Then, Merrin dispels all buffs and debuffs on herself and gains Magick Stealth. The next time another ally is inflicted with a debuff or defeated, Merrin loses Magick Stealth, dispels all debuffs on all allies, and revives a random Nightsister ally with 50% Health

Magick Stealth: Can't be targeted, defeated, damaged, or gain Turn Meter; immune to buffs, debuffs, and taunt effects; if no allies are present, lose Magick Stealth

SPECIAL 2: Dathomir Will Be Your Grave - Cooldown 3

Final Text: Deal Special damage to target enemy and Stun them for 1 turn. If this defeats target enemy, inflict 4 stacks of Plague on all enemies for 3 turns. Dispel buffs on each enemy with 2 or more stacks of Plague on them.

UNIQUE 1: Last of the Nightsisters (OMICRON) - Unlocks at Gear 4

Final Text: The first time a Nightsister ally is defeated each encounter, Merrin gains 100% Turn Meter, which can't be prevented. Whenever a Nightsister ally is defeated or revived, Merrin gains 15% (+2% per Relic Amplifier level of the defeated or revived character) Turn Meter, which can't be prevented.

While Merrin has allies, her speed is set to 0 and she is immune to Turn Meter gain and removal.

While in Grand Arenas: Whenever an ally is defeated or revived, Merrin gains 100% Turn Meter, which can't be prevented. At the start of Merrin's turn, inflict all enemies with 1 stack of Plague for 3 turns.

UNIQUE 2: Vengeful Bond (ZETA) - Unlocks at Gear 6

Final Text: Whenever an ally is inflicted with a debuff, if Merrin has 0% Turn Meter, dispel all debuffs from that ally and Merrin gains 25% Turn Meter, which can't be prevented. If Merrin has more than 0% Turn Meter, she gains 10% Turn Meter instead, which can't be prevented.

Whenever an enemy is damaged, all Nightsister allies recover 5% Protection.

Whenever a Nightsister ally is revived, grant all allies Instant Defeat Immunity for 2 turns, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented, and there is a 20% chance (+10% per Relic Amplifier level, max 100% total) to inflict all enemies with 1 stack of Plague for 3 turns at the end of the turn.


Key Attributes:

  • Amplifies the Nightsisters’ Plague application and revives
  • Add effective Protection Recovery to this heal heavy team
  • Provides reactive cleanses to keep debuffs off her team
  • Aids Nightsisters in weathering the storm of current counters



  • This is the version that hounds Cal Kestis on his journey through Dathomir
  • (Spoiler Alert) Merrin’s battle alongside Cal gave us her Special Ability Dathomir Will Be Your Grave, which she uses to defeat Taron Malicos 
  • Merrin’s ability to come and go with alacrity was the inspiration for the Shadow Stride and Magick Stealth
  • Nightsisters!!


Strategy Tips:

  • User Shadow Stride to preemptively defend against debuffs and prepare to revive a Nightsister
  • Merrin is a unique character in Galaxy of Heroes. She has 0 Speed and can’t gain Turn Meter unless an ally is debuffed, defeated, or revived. In order to effectively use her, you will need to use her abilities strategically. She was built from the ground up to support her sisters through her abilities with revives and Plague spread.
  • Don’t use your speed mods here
  • Plague distribution from Unique 2 is dependant of the Potency of the revived character

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