Meet Our Playtesters
Meet some of our amazing Playtesters from across the world who help us to Inspire the Future of Play!
Part 1

Our Playtesters are the heart and soul of what we do at Electronic Arts Playtesting! In this 2-part article, we had a chance to chat with six of our incredible Playtesters from different parts of the world, getting to know their personal experiences as valued members of the Electronic Arts Playtesting Community.
How did you find out about Electronic Arts Playtesting?
James P: I was looking for information about EA's games on the website and noticed a section about Playtesting. This was a few years ago so it was quite mysterious and vague, as it was less common across the industry back then. It seemed like a really fun thing to get involved with, so I signed up.
Khaliq K: I found out about Electronic Arts Playtesting back in 2015 through a friend who saw it whilst scrolling on Facebook.
Michelle B: It was a while ago so I can’t fully remember, but I think I saw an advert on social media or in a game I was playing.
What do you enjoy most about being a Playtester?
James P: Getting chosen for a Playtest, it's often not clear what game you’ll be playing. Endless possibilities flash through your mind as you think about what it might be – "what franchises does EA have again?" Then, when you sit down and hear all about it, even if you have heard of it, it's a surprise every time.
Khaliq K: I enjoy getting to play games super early on in their development and providing feedback. I’ve Playtested numerous times both at the Vancouver studio and at-home, and I’m always impressed at how accommodating the Playtesting team is.
Michelle B: I love being able to try out new games before release. Playtesting allows us to provide a different perspective that the development team wouldn’t normally get. It also lets us share our appreciation for the creators of these games and to let them know our favorite parts.

Can you share a memorable moment from a Playtest?
James P: I remember one all-day Playtest where we had lunch together, and weren't allowed to talk about what we were Playtesting, so we ended up just talking about the games we were all passionate about. Connecting with like-minded people and hearing about the moments that spoke to them, especially when they also mean so much to you, makes you feel proud to be part of this community.
Khaliq K: I remember the exact moment I was first told that I would be Playtesting one of my favorite franchises for 3 whole days. That was a super special moment for me!
Michelle B: I really enjoyed one time when I was Playtesting a new sports game for a few weeks. Being able to see the updates happen and continuously help with the Playtest was rewarding as we got to sort of see first-hand the process and hard work it takes to make a game great.
What is your favorite game of all time and why?
James P: It's always so difficult to choose, as games are so varied and so many have a personal connection to me. I would say the Mass Effect Trilogy, specifically Mass Effect 2 is the first example of a series where I really threw myself into the story, its characters, and cared very deeply about their fate. That...plus space and lasers woo hoo!
Khaliq K: Halo! It was one of the first games I played and it was what made me a fan of FPS games. Nowadays, I really enjoy playing Apex Legends.
Michelle B: Not sure if I can pick just one. I have ADHD so sometimes I’ll play a game for months on end and then not touch it again for years. But right now I’m definitely enjoying Baldur's Gate 3, but I’ll always go back to Apex/Fortnite/Sims whenever I just want to switch it up. It’s too hard to pick just one - I love a variety of genres.

If you could give 1 bit of advice to someone who’s thinking of becoming a Playtester, what would that be?
James P: Be honest. Whether it's filling in the application survey or taking part in a Playtest – everyone's viewpoint on a game is valid. The user experience can be so varied to so many of us due to a very specific thing which makes us unique, it might be accessibility-related like color blindness or audio options, or it might just be "yeah I always swap these two buttons around for this sort of game because it makes it easier". There are hundreds of games out there trying to appeal to such a wide variety of players and the best way to make sure the games of tomorrow continue to surprise and delight you is to get involved and share your honest opinion on it. That's the only way that one thing that always annoys you about games might ever change.
Khaliq K: Make sure to apply for any available Playtest. Don’t feel discouraged if you don’t get picked immediately, because they always make sure to invite new Playtesters all the time. You get to play a game and get rewarded for providing feedback. An absolute win!
Michelle B: Show your passion and voice your opinion. Even if you think it might "hurt their feelings", the majority of the time they will be grateful you spotted it before the game was officially released. But most of all, have fun with it! It's a "play" test for a reason, they want you to play the game like you normally would, so enjoy yourself while doing it and don't make it feel like it's a "job" because it isn’t!
Become a Playtester today and Inspire the Future of Play!