ABLE - ERG celebrates Mental Health Awareness Month

Throughout the month of May the ABLE - ERG celebrated Mental Health Awareness Month by welcoming transparent conversations to raise awareness around mental health. Each year, millions of individuals face the reality of living with a mental illness. While it is important to focus on mental health every day, May emphasized our mental health focus by elevating the stories of those impacted.
The ongoing pandemic has undoubtedly placed a strain on mental well-being across the world, and as you have seen, EA remains committed to advancing mental health wellness conversations and resources to support EA’s employees.
The month started with an intimate conversation, Reducing Mental Health Stigmas of Different Cultures & Customs, with seven EA employees about how their culture, background, and identity impacted and shaped them on their journey with mental health. They shared personal stories of tragedy and triumph that ultimately showed those listening and watching, you are not alone (#NotAlone). We’ve seen, just by word of mouth (or just seeing on Slack), employees change their status to a green ribbon (which signifies mental health awareness) with #NotAlone, showing how important this month and conversation is.

We also had a fantastic keynote event featuring AJ Mendez on Mental Health & Being Powered-Up By Gaming. AJ Mendez is the New York Times bestselling author of “Crazy is My Superpower”, former WWE championship wrestler, and mental health advocate. AJ spoke about her experience with mental health. She spoke about her upbringing, gaming, her wrestling career, and how all those things, and more, shaped her into who she is and were parts of her mental health journey. AJ is a true superhero who brought awareness and education to mental health and inspired many on the call.
Rounding out the month, ABLE co-hosted a few other events in collaboration with multiple ERGs. ABLE supported the Vancouver Culture Champions for tEA Talk: Mental Health in Canada, contributed to Identity, Representation, & Mental Health in Games: Implications for User Experience (with Tiburon WUT and ASPIRE), and Silence the Shame: Mental Health Discussion with Shanti Das (with ASPIRE and BEAT!).
We continue to be moved by the commitment of our ABLE leaders, members, allies, and advocates; their passion for uplifting our communities has been inspiring and impactful in EA’s journey to equity and inclusion. Remember, you are not alone.