The Cypher’s Kiss: A Choice Based Short Story
By Cathleen Rootsaert

It's early the next morning and you sit in the Enclave, waiting for Freelancer Yarrow. Ammien joins you, bringing a hot roll from the market. The two of you sit perhaps a little too close. Smiling. Building your future together in shared, secret whispers. Knowing that it’ll all work out.
If this is love, and love feels this good, then it has to work out. It just does.
"What's this?" says Yarrow.
You take Ammien's hand and tell him the whole story. You describe how you didn't intend to fall in love but now how deeply, deeply you love each other. As you describe the hopes for your future, joy rises in your chest and fills your words. Yarrow frowns and begins to pace.
"Not good. Not good. This can't happen. It won't be allowed."
"We know it's unusual, but together we can come up with some rules, don’t you think?"
“Unusual? No, my friends.” He says, “You don’t understand the consequences. As long as you work in the same enclave, everyone is at risk.”
All at once, it's a terrible scene. Ammien argues with Yarrow and gets so angry, you think that they might strike him.
"Just because you’re alone and bitter, doesn't mean that you should deny happiness to others," Ammien yells. "You've clearly never been in love."
You hold your breath.
Yarrow remains calm. “You’re young. “I understand.” He nodded. “I do. This first fire, this madness. But the answer is no. The answer will always be no. It will be no, here. It will be no in any enclave in Bastian. If you want to go down this path, one of you must give up your job and your dream. All you have to do is decide which one of you is willing to do that."
His words are more devastating for their quiet certainty. He looks each of you in the eyes, to make sure you've understood him. Then he turns and walks away.
And now you sit with Ammien on the wall, the heat of their fury engulfing them.
You aren’t angry. You don't cry. You’re broken. All you can say is, “I love you.” But now it’s filled with sadness.
"There must be something we can do," they sputter.
"One of us can get a different job," you say. "Just like Yarrow said."
"It won’t be me. I’ve studied to be a cypher since I was eight years old. I won’t let you quit, either.” They turn to you, eyes full of fire. “We can’t let them control us. We’ll keep our love a secret."
But you know it's hopeless. You'll be watched closely.
"I’m sad that we’ll never know what could have been. Never know what it’s like to hold each other. Build a life together. I wish I’d stayed last night... I’m sorry, my love. I don't think I can bare to ever see you again."
You consider everything and say,