Earn Rewards for You and Your Friends with the Anthem Alliance System
Find out how you can get bonus Coin for playing Anthem – and for playing together.

The best way to play Anthem is with a team, adventuring out into the world with friends and fellow Freelancers by your side. The Anthem Alliance System makes grouping up even better by giving you – and everyone you play with – an extra batch of in-game Coins for being a team player.
Below is everything you need to know to start earning a Coin bonus for yourself and your favorite friends.
The Alliance System Rewards You for Gaining XP
When you complete an expedition (like a mission, contract, or Stronghold) you earn XP that is recorded in the Alliance System. As you continue to accrue XP, you’ll pass through 10 different Alliance XP tiers. At the end of every week, you have the potential to be rewarded with Coin based on how much XP has been added to your Alliance System pool. Coins can be used to get cosmetics, emotes, and rare resources.
You aren’t on your own in feeding the beast though, because . . .
XP Earned by Others Goes into Your Alliance System, Too
When you take on a mission, the XP earned by your teammates also goes into your Alliance System pool, and yours is added to theirs. XP earned by players on your friend list also counts, even when they aren’t playing with you. Plus, you’ll get a huge Alliance System bonus from your friends when they contribute.
When the week is over, the total XP from your five highest-contributing friends is added together, and you’re rewarded based on the resulting total. You can be a member of as many Alliances as you have friends and can contribute to their Alliance System totals in return.
You Earn Some Alliance System Rewards Immediately
As you gain XP, you’ll progress through personal Alliance System tiers. Reach the next tier up, and you’ll be rewarded with some Coin instantly, instead of waiting to receive it as part of your larger weekly reward. When you do get your weekly reward, the Alliance System and tiers are reset, and you have a chance to earn just as much Coin again.
The Alliance System Uses Your Platform’s Native Friend List
Anthem uses your friend list on the PlayStation Network, Xbox Live, or Origin to determine whose XP should count toward your Alliance System rewards. Teammates’ XP will be added to your Alliance System total as well, but only while you’re playing with them.
You Can Check What You’ve Earned for the Week Anytime
It’s easy to view both your own contribution to the Alliance System and that of your top five friends: just check out your totals via Jak’s table in Fort Tarsis. This will let you know how much XP you’ve accumulated at any given time and how much Coin you would earn if the week ended right then.
The Alliance System is one more way you can make the most of Anthem with your friends by your side. Get ready to team up and unleash your power – together.
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