Controlling Your Javelin on PC
Check out the keyboard layout for flying and fighting in your javelin in Anthem.

As a Freelancer, your survival in the wilds of Anthem depends on your ability to master every feature of your javelin. To help you understand the totality of the power you’ll wield as a lancer, we have created this guide to those controls.
NOTE: As the game is still in development, all game features and controls may be subject to change. We’ll update as necessary.
Keyboard Layout
W Key: Move Forward
A Key: Move Left
S Key: Move Back
D Key: Move Right
Left Shift: Sprint/Fly While in Air
Left Ctrl/Middle Mouse Button: Evade
Mouse: Rotate Camera
C Key/Thumb Mouse Button: Hover
Space Bar: Jump/Exit Flight While Flying
Space Bar (multiple times): Double Jump (Ranger)/Triple Jump (Interceptor)/Thrusters (Colossus)
R Key: Reload
Mouse Wheel: Switch Weapons
F Key: Interact
V Key: Melee Attack
Right Mouse Button: Aim Weapon
Left Mouse Button: Fire Weapon
Q Key: Use Ability 1
E Key: Use Ability 2
Z Key: Use Ability 3
X Key: Use Ultimate Ability
Comma Key (,): Activate Emote 1
Period Key (.): Activate Emote 2
Slash Key (/): Activate Emote 3
J Key: Go to Cortex
Esc Key: Go to Menu
T Key: VOIP Push-to-talk
Keyboard key assignments are customizable to give you the freedom to tailor your layout however you see fit. Anthem also has gamepad support on PC for those who prefer to use a gamepad when they play.
Pre-order now and get VIP access to a pre-launch demo.*
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Anthem launches February 22, 2019 for Xbox One, PlayStation® 4, and PC. Early Access begins on February 15 for Origin Access and EA Access members.**
* CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS APPLY. SEE https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/anthem/pre-order-disclaimer FOR DETAILS. DEMO DETAILS AVAILABLE AT https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/anthem/news/announce-date-of-pre-launch-demo. PERSISTENT INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED TO PLAY.
** CONDITIONS, LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS APPLY. SEE ea.com/en-gb/ea-access/terms AND origin.com/store/origin-access/terms FOR DETAILS.