Anthem 1.5.0 Patch Notes
Season of Skulls

New Features
- The Cataclysm is back with updates for the Season of Skulls. The higher your score, the more seasonal currency you’ll be awarded to spend at the seasonal store.
- New Season of Skulls Freeplay events. Successfully finish three of these events in one Freeplay session to spawn a boss encounter.
- Learn more about Season of Skulls lore through a scavenger hunt and new data archives.
- Mass Salvage is now available on all inventory management screens.
- The chance to obtain a legendary item from a war chest has increased by 250%
- A Legendary-Only War Chest has been added to the Seasonal Store
Bug Fixes & Improvements
- Fixed various crashes for stabilization.
- Auto-loot now works for all high-rarity loot drops in a game session.
- When flying into obstacles, javelins now automatically go into hover mode instead of crashing to the ground
- General Cataclysm Changes/Fixes:
- All challenges that awarded major crystals now reward 500 minor crystals instead.
- Turrets will no longer respawn once destroyed in Sea of Takaro and Castle Kelrik.
- Teleporters are now immediately re-usable after teleporting.
- “Daily: Repair” no longer auto-completes when a player returns to Fort Tarsis.
- Fixed an issue in which the Expedition Tracked menu could display incorrect difficulty level.
- Updates to inscription tooltips for Combo Damage bonus clarify which javelin a bonus applies to. Colossus Combo damage bonus is now "Combo Blast Dmg", Ranger is "Combo Imp Dmg", Storm is "Combo Chains", and Interceptor is "Combo Aura Eff".
- Fixed an issue where the Acid Status Effect would not increase damage taken from the “acid” damage type
- Aim assist has been adjusted so that it doesn’t “pop” onto enemies as easily
- Updated multiple weapon and gear piece descriptions to read “armor” instead of “suit health”.
- The Badge of Devastation component no longer shares an icon with Emergency Power.
- Gun Updates:
- Assault Rifles
- Defender/Elemental Rage/Pyrrhic Victory
- Base Damage 16->24.1
- Hammerhead/Ralner's Blaze
- Base Damage 24.1->34
- Defender/Elemental Rage/Pyrrhic Victory
- The fire status effect applied by Ralner’s Blaze is now correctly affected by damage inscriptions.
- Light Machine Guns
- Relentless
- Base Damage 18.9->26.4
- Artinia's Gambit
- Base Damage 37.8->52.8
- Havoc
- Base Damage 14.8->22.5
- Renewed Courage
- Base Damage 23.7->35.9
- Sledgehammer
- Base Damage 28.5->43.1
- Cycle of Pain
- Base Damage 41.3->62.6
- Base Damage 41.3->62.6
- Relentless
- Marksman Rifles
- Scout/Thunderbolt of Yvenia
- Base Damage 36.5->39.7
- Anvil
- Base Damage 60.8->70.2
- Soothing Touch
- Base Damage 103.4->119
- Base Damage 103.4->119
- Scout/Thunderbolt of Yvenia
- Autocannons
- Torrent/Endless Siege
- Base Damage 26.4->27.6
- Cloudburst/Fist of Stral
- Base Damage 19.7->20.4
- Mauler/The Last Stand
- Base Damage 18.6->19.6
- Fixed an issue that prevented Autocannon damage types from displaying as intended. The Anti-Armor damage type is now shown correctly.
- Torrent/Endless Siege
- SMG's
- Fulcrum/Unending Battle
- Base Damage 8.9->12
- Trajector/Retaliation of Garretus
- Base Damage 14.3->26.3
- Hailstorm
- Base Damage 6.9->10.8
- Vassa's Surprise
- Base Damage 15->21.6
- Base Damage 15->21.6
- Fulcrum/Unending Battle
- Heavy Pistol
- Barrage/Close Encounter
- Base Damage 18.1->26.5
- Resolution/Glorious Result
- Base Damage 47.9->48.4
- Base Damage 47.9->48.4
- Barrage/Close Encounter
- Shotgun
- Scattershot/Papa Pump
- Base Damage 16.6-20.8
- Constrictor/Radiant Fortress
- Base Damage 17.7->18.1
- Vengeance/Rolling Carnage
- Base Damage 12.9->24.1
- Base Damage 12.9->24.1
- Scattershot/Papa Pump
- Grenade Launcher
- Fixed an issue that prevented Grenade Launcher damage types from displaying as intended; the Anti-Armor damage type is now shown correctly.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Grenade Launcher damage types from displaying as intended; the Anti-Armor damage type is now shown correctly.
- Sniper Rifle
- Deadeye/Wyvern Blitz
- Base Damage 240->246
- Fixed an issue that prevented the damage type from working as intended; now correctly displays and functions as Physical damage.
- Whirlwind/Siege Breaker
- Fixed an issue that prevented the damage type from working as intended; now correctly displays and functions as Anti-Shield damage.
- Devastator/Truth of Tarsis
- Fixed an issue that prevented the damage type from working as intended; now correctly displays and functions as Anti-Armor damage.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the damage type from working as intended; now correctly displays and functions as Anti-Armor damage.
- Deadeye/Wyvern Blitz
- Pulse Accelerator
- Bad Omen
- Fixed an issue that prevented the damage type from working as intended; now correctly displays and functions as Physical damage.
- Rainmaker
- Fixed an issue that prevented the damage type from working as intended; now correctly displays and functions as Physical damage.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the damage type from working as intended; now correctly displays and functions as Physical damage.
- Bad Omen
- Blade Slinger
- Fixed an issue that prevented Blade Slinger damage types from working as intended; all now correctly display and function as Physical damage.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Blade Slinger damage types from working as intended; all now correctly display and function as Physical damage.
- Volt Caster
- Jarra’s Wrath
- The Electric status effect applied by Jarra’s Wrath is now correctly affected by damage inscriptions.
- The Electric status effect applied by Jarra’s Wrath is now correctly affected by damage inscriptions.
- Jarra’s Wrath
- Assault Rifles
- Javelin Updates
- Ranger Gear Updates:
- Venom Darts/Tactical Onslaught
- Now displays the correct number of status effect stacks
- Inferno Grenade/Explosive Blaze
- Status effect stacks increased to 100
- Frost Grenade/Cold Blooded
- Status effect stacks increased to 100
- The Gambit
- Masterwork/legendary effect (as seen in the orange text on the item description) is now correctly affected by gear damage inscriptions.
- Ember’s Lance
- Masterwork/legendary effect (as seen in the orange text on the item description) is now correctly affected by gear damage inscriptions.
- Relentless Pursuit
- Increased damage by 50%
- Vanguard’s Rampart
- Vanguard’s Rampart masterwork/legendary effect (as seen in the orange text on the item description) is no longer reapplied each time a player enters the bubble.
- Vanguard’s Rampart masterwork/legendary effect (as seen in the orange text on the item description) is no longer reapplied each time a player enters the bubble.
- Venom Darts/Tactical Onslaught
- Colossus Gear Updates:
- Firewall Mortar
- Status effect stacks increased to 100
- Rubidium Furnace
- Status effect stacks increased to 100
- Damage is now correctly affected by local gear damage inscriptions.
- Venom Storm
- Status effect stacks increased to 100
- Lightning Coil/Vassa's Arc
- Status effect stacks increased to 100
- Fixed an issue that prevented its damage type from working as intended. Now correctly displays and functions as Electric damage.
- Shock Coil/Voltaic Dome
- Fixed an issue that prevented its damage type from working as intended. Now correctly displays and functions as Electric damage.
- Titan’s Hail
- Masterwork/legendary effect (as seen in the orange text on the item description) is now correctly affected by gear damage inscriptions.
- Masterwork/legendary effect (as seen in the orange text on the item description) is now correctly affected by gear damage inscriptions.
- Firewall Mortar
- Storm Gear Updates:
- Shock Burst/Seal of the Open Mind
- Status effect stacks increased to 100
- Ice Storm/Winter's Wrath
- Status effect stacks increased to 100
- Binary Star
- Fixed an issue that prevented the damage type from working as intended; now correctly displays and functions as Fire damage.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the damage type from working as intended; now correctly displays and functions as Fire damage.
- Shock Burst/Seal of the Open Mind
- Interceptor Gear Updates:
- Interceptor Combo Aura
- Interceptors now deal the correct amount of combo damage based on enemy material (shield, armor, or flesh) if the target is primed by Electricity.
- Interceptors now deal the correct amount of combo damage based on enemy material (shield, armor, or flesh) if the target is primed by Electricity.
- Venom Bomb & Serpent’s Veil
- Status effect stacks increased to 100
- Status effect stacks increased to 100
- Tesilar Trap
- Status effect stacks increased to 100
- Status effect stacks increased to 100
- Cryo Glaive & Absolute Zero
- Status effect stacks increased to 100
- Fixed an issue that prevented the damage type from working as intended; now correctly displays and functions as Ice damage.
- Detonating Strike
- Fixed an issue that prevented the damage type from working as intended; now correctly displays and functions as Electric damage.
- Cariff's Talon
- Damage is now correctly affected by local gear damage inscriptions.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the damage type from working as intended; now correctly displays and functions as Electric damage.
- Damage is now correctly affected by local gear damage inscriptions.
- Tempest Strike
- Fixed an issue that prevented the damage type from working as intended; now correctly displays and functions as Physical damage.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the damage type from working as intended; now correctly displays and functions as Physical damage.
- Sudden Death
- Masterwork/legendary effect (as seen in the orange text on the item description) is now correctly affected by gear damage inscriptions.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the damage type from working as intended; now correctly displays and functions as Physical damage.
- Masterwork/legendary effect (as seen in the orange text on the item description) is now correctly affected by gear damage inscriptions.
- Wraith Strike, Shadow Claw, and Spectre’s Flash
- Fixed an issue that prevented the damage type from working as intended; now correctly displays and functions as Physical damage.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the damage type from working as intended; now correctly displays and functions as Physical damage.
- Interceptor Combo Aura
- Interceptor Melee Updates:
- Venomous Blades/Twin Blades
- Smalls hits went from 38->50 base damage
- Big hits went from 105->100 base damage
- Deathstalker Blades
- Small hits went from 38->75 base damage
- Big hits went from 105->150 base damage
- MasterWork property - Used to deal 60 damage per hit on targets below 50%. Now doubles melee hit damage on targets below 50%.
- Blades of Warding
- Small hits went from 38->87.5 base damage
- Big hits went from 105->175 base damage
- Ultimate
- Small hits went from 55->75 base damage
- Small hits went from 55->75 base damage
- Venomous Blades/Twin Blades
- Storm Melee Updates:
- Searing Blast
- Fixed an issue that prevented the damage type from working as intended; now correctly displays and functions as Fire damage.
- Searing Blast
- Ranger Gear Updates:

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