Wild Frontier
Unleash your inner beast – and show it off – with the Season 1 Battle Pass. Play more to level up and unlock exclusive rewards.
Buy In-Game for 950 Apex Coins
Get the Battle Pass, plus unlock your next 25 levels for Season 1 instantly.
Buy In-Game for 4,700 2,800 Apex Coins
The more you play, the more you get. Grab the Wild Frontier Battle Pass and jump into the arena, where every level you gain levels up your Battle Pass and unlocks exclusive rewards.
Wild Frontier Legend Skins
Instantly unlock the Lifeline Revolutionary skin, the Wraith Survivor skin, and the Mirage Outlaw skin with purchase of the Battle Pass.
Earn over 100 unique items throughout the season – everything you snag before the season’s over is yours to keep.
Everyone who plays Apex Legends Season 1 can earn:
<b>1 Wild Frontier Legend Skin</b>
<b>5 Apex Packs</b>
<b>18 Wild Frontier Stat Trackers</b>
To get the Battle Pass, jump into Apex Legends and head to the Battle Pass tab in the store. Grab the Battle Pass for 950 Apex Coins or the Battle Pass Bundle for 2,800 Apex Coins (containing 4,700 Apex Coins’ worth of content), and you’re all set. Take on the Wild Frontier and new rewards will unlock every time you level up your Battle Pass.
Season 1 – Wild Frontier Battle Pass Trailer
Battle Pass FAQ
How do I buy the Battle Pass?
The Battle Pass can only be purchased in the in-game store using Apex Coins. Launch Apex Legends, navigate to the Battle Pass
What happens if I buy my Battle Pass late in the season?
You’ll receive all the rewards up to your Battle Pass level (which is your current level for the season) retroactively! For example, if you’re on level 20 for the season when you buy the Battle Pass, you’ll unlock all rewards for every level up to 20, plus three special Battle Pass skins.
If you buy the Battle Pass Bundle, you’ll get the rewards for 25 levels in addition to the levels you’ve already reached. So, if you’re on level 20 for the season when you buy the Battle Pass Bundle, you’ll get all the rewards through level 45 and the three special Battle Pass skins.
Can I keep leveling my Season 1 Battle Pass after the season ends?
No, the rewards available in the Season 1 Battle Pass can only be earned until the season is over. After it ends, you won’t be able to earn new Wild Frontier content.
Do I keep my stuff after the season ends?
Yes! You keep every Battle Pass reward you’ve unlocked after the season is over.
What if I don’t buy the Battle Pass? Can I still earn rewards for free?
Yes. Even if you don’t purchase the Battle Pass, you can still earn the following items for free:
- 1 Wild Frontier Legend skin
- 5 Apex Packs
- 18 Wild Frontier stat trackers
If I buy the Battle Pass, can I also get the free rewards?
Yes! Everyone can earn
What’s the most efficient way to level up my Battle Pass?
Each character earns bonus Battle Pass XP at the end of a match based on survival time, up to a weekly cap. To reach your maximum Battle Pass level the fastest, you should maximize this bonus by playing a variety of characters throughout the season. Each character can earn up to 25,000 bonus Battle Pass XP starting the first week of Season 1, and the cap increases each week.
You can also earn an extra 500 Battle Pass XP for your first kill of the day with each character (max three unique characters per day).
Finally, the premium Battle Pass reward track offers Battle Pass XP boosts for playing with friends. These bonuses stack as you earn additional boosts.
If I own the Battle Pass, can I buy levels past level 100 to get the bonus items?
No, you can only purchase levels up to level 100. You must earn the final 10 levels through playtime.
Will the Battle Pass rewards ever return after Season 1?
No. All Wild Frontier cosmetic rewards (excluding Apex Packs and content dropped from them) in the Battle Pass are exclusive to Season 1 and will never be available again. Players in future seasons will be jealous of your OG status.
Play For Free*
On PlayStation®4, PlayStation®5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via EA app and Steam.
*Applicable platform account and platform subscription (sold separately) may be required. Persistent internet connection and EA account required. Age restrictions apply. Includes in-game purchases.