• How to Get Reinforcements and Use Them in Firestorm Learn about the types of Reinforcements available and how best to use them.

    TheBrokenMachine takes you through securing and using powerful Reinforcements to help you and your squad survive in Firestorm.

    Pinned down by the enemy? Ring of fire closing in fast? Low on ammo? Calling in a Reinforcement can mean the difference between a complete wipe or a stunning victory. In Firestorm, Reinforcements can be summoned by any player and they don’t require a single Requisition point like they do in other modes. Instead, you’ll need to secure Objectives to locate special flare guns that will help you turn the tides of battle.

    If you’re running low on gear, fire off a Supply Drop flare and load up on the loot you need wherever you happen to be. It’s tempting to make use of this Reinforcement right away, whenever you’re running a little low on supplies but resist that temptation. Save it until you really need it and be sure you’re in an area that is at least somewhat secure. You don’t want to call in a bunch of handy loot only to basically turn it all over to your enemies.

    Really need to make a fast getaway? Fire the Vehicle Drop flare gun and watch a transport vehicle descend from the heavens via parachute. Pile in and reach any other point on Halvøy much faster. This is a great Reinforcement to save until you hear the telltale roar of the flames approaching and will give you more time in areas near the ring of fire than enemies on foot. Again, do your best to secure the area before you fire this flare to keep enemies from immediately carjacking you.

    Whether you’re about to be overrun, or you really need to clear an area or Objective quickly, Artillery Strike will do the trick. Fire off this red flare when you want to rain down destruction on large areas of the map. Take out enemy soldiers, buildings, and everything in between with this powerful bombardment. Note: you’ll be able to see the area of effect for this Reinforcement on your mini map. A key to avoiding damage from the Artillery Strike if you’re on the receiving end of one is to get out in the open and keep moving. Avoid hiding out in buildings as you’re very likely to end up taking debris damage if you do.

    Looking for a more precise aerial strike? Summon the V-1 Rocket with a red flare and say good-bye to any enemies in its path. This is the perfect Reinforcement to use when clearing enemy chokepoints or stopping an enemy tank dead in its tracks. But be aware that the V-1 isn’t instantaneous; it will take a few seconds to arrive, so time your summons wisely.

    Learn more about securing and using Reinforcements here. Have some more questions? Find your answers on our Battlefield V Firestorm Boot Camp page.

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