NBA LIVE Mobile Update
NBA LIVE Mobile Update: Season 7 Art & Audio
NBA LIVE Mobile Updates

NBA LIVE Mobile Update: Art & Audio Update
Welcome to NBA LIVE Mobile’s 7th Season, the newest entry of NBA LIVE Mobile.
Season 7 has been refreshed with some new art and audio to enhance users experience! There also has been some work done to reduce load times and offer a screen that better indicates your progress when loading. In terms of art, there are quite a few new images you will see throughout Season 7 of NBA LIVE Mobile. Below, we will go through each screen, explain the visual, and further define its purpose and reason for adjustment. First and foremost, we have the new Splash Screen.

This screen has been redesigned to focus on some of the biggest stars in the NBA and offer a distinct feel when loading into the game.
The team also have created a brand-new App Store Icon. Nothing says "new season" like a new app icon. We chose this one and a few others that we may rotate to throughout the year. These are designed and tested to best represent our current NBA LIVE Mobile product.

The next screen we made some changes to was the Live Today Map. In order to offer a fresh feel and experience to LIVE Today, we gave the court a new look with more defined lines and a futuristic feel. We hope this excites users and will offer an awesome place to access all the LIVE Today events.

Finally, we have updated our loading screen and initial launch image. This should look similar to what users saw in Season 6, but it has its own unique color scheme and more modern style. This will be one of the more prevalent screens throughout the year, as splash screens and other images may rotate in and out, this one will remain constant.

The above screen is also where you will notice our new and improved load times. The team worked hard to reduce the amount of time it takes to load into the game, as well as offering you a screen that will indicate how long you are waiting. Long gone is the spinning circle.
Last but certainly not least, the team has included 2 new tracks in our Audio Update. These new songs will be played throughout the game, throughout the year. Make sure you turn your volume on and listen to all the new music in Season 7 of NBA LIVE Mobile.