November 14: Post-Halloween and More
Check out some Halloween-themed courts, a Live Events’ inspired court, and many more.
NBA LIVE Courts of the Week
Hey everyone! We’re back with another Courts of the Week with a cool, new incentive! The five winners of Courts of the Week will also now have their courts featured in-game. This came as a complete shock to many, but I know winners are glad to see it.
That said, let’s go ahead and jump straight into this week’s winners. A couple courts were submitted a bit too late for our Halloween edition, but will be highlighted today. Also, some other courts I particularly loved.
Let’s start out with @ToneLoc21’s Halloween court! Not only did he bring out the classic skulls, bats, and spiders, but he also got Rest in Pieces written on the baseline. That’s some serious dedication right there.
@rlal95 My Halloween themed submission for Courts of the Week. #NBALive19
— Grampa Tone (@ToneLoc21) October 28, 2018
@NBALiveBR has been tweeting all the way from Brazil as one of our most passionate fans – whether it’s about the courts or just the game as a whole. I’m not sure what I love most, the skull, the court designs, or the contrast between the paint and the rest of the court.
— NBA Live BR (@NBALiveBR) October 29, 2018
The Lace Up Dome is coming to you in full force with @Rjwatts14’s court – as he said below, never fold – that’s the mentality every time you lace ‘em up on his floor.
And NOW🏀 @EASPORTSNBA @rlal95 @NBALiveTHEONE @MissThickemsTTV @cabrillo24 #NBALIVE19 #NBALIVECOMMUNITY I welcome you the Lace Up Dome! #NbaliveLut #NbaliveCourtBattles #CourtBattles #LACEUPKREW 🔥🔥🏀 #FINAO #NEVERFOLD My Court Reflects On me has meaning🙏🏾
— Rjwatts14 #LaceUpKrew 👈🏾🎮 (@Rjwatts14) November 8, 2018
@Jonacyde isn’t new to this list – he’s been giving us courts since before this article was even a real concept but the man’s got taste. Look at how he took advantage of the Canvas Program putting out It’s A Living and Madsteez court designs. Being able to combine both of those to make a dope court is a true talent.
— The Old Dirty Chinese Restaurant (@jonacyde) October 8, 2018
"Watch The Throne"
Crown logo is still available in the live event for the next 3 1/2 hours btw#NBALIVE19 #CourtBattles
Another regular on this list, @jacjack202 gave me a bargain three-for-one deal on these courts. The first is an ode to the Vancouver Grizzlies – gone, but never forgotten. The second reminds me of the California coast with sharks, the beach, and more. The last one pays homage to Washington D.C. with The District on the baseline – good work, sir.
Let me get these in there EA. I gotta keep up with @jonacyde How many times you made it jonacyde? I'm at 2 @ApplekraE I think they still do them, but some weeks had been skipped.
— Brandon Jackson (@jacjack202) October 24, 2018
Keep submitting those courts. The more you submit, the higher the chance you’ll have to be featured in a Courts of the Week article. Just be sure to get our attention and make something unique!
- Rahul Lal (Follow Rahul on Twitter @rlal95)
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