Need for Speed Payback Forums Forums

Achievements and Trophies

Collect them all

Need For Speed Payback

You’re sat on the edge of your seat, in second place and the car infront of you swerves left and right blocking any chance of an overtake. Then your chance appears, first place takes a corner wide and you overtake them on the inside. You power through to the finish line, you take the win and then you hear that incredibly satisfying sound…plink, achievement unlocked.

Whether you’re a collector or someone just looking for the next challenge, you’ll find the full achievement and trophy list for Need for Speed Payback below.

Included in the list will be their Xbox Gamerscore, the type of PlayStation trophy they are and their Origin value.

Training Wheels Off
10G, Bronze, 10pts

Reach Rep level 2

Top Dog
40G, Silver, 40pts

Reach Rep level 50

One Man’s Trash
25G, Bronze, 25pts

Assemble a Derelict Car

Another Man’s Treasure
25G, Bronze, 25pts

Get a Derelict car to 399 Tier Rating

The Artist
20G, Bronze, 20pts

Unlock all Visual Customization points

The Mogul
20G, Bronze, 20pts

Buy all available Garage spaces

The Strategist
25G, Bronze, 25pts

Grind a previously won event for Speed Cards

Hope and Glory
10G, Bronze, 10pts

Equip a full setup with the Americana brand

Outlaws on the Rise
10G, Bronze, 10pts

Equip a full setup with the outlaw brand

Tech Mate
10G, Bronze, 10pts

Equip a full setup with the NexTech brand

Carbon Cartel
10G, Bronze, 10pts

Equip a full setup with the Carbon brand

Under the Hood
10G, Bronze, 10pts

Equip a full setup with the Chidori brand

First Strike is Deadly
15G, Bronze, 15pts

Complete all 5 events in a Speedlist

The Climb
40G, Silver, 40pts

Complete 10 Ranked Speedlist Events

Friendly Competition
15G, Bronze, 15pts

Beat your first Autolog Recommendation

A Daily a Day
15G, Bronze, 15pts

Complete your first Daily Challenge

You’ve got the Need
20G, Bronze, 20pts

Complete all Speed Traps

20G, Bronze, 20pts

Complete all Speed Runs

Sideways Style
20G, Bronze, 20pts

Complete all Drift Zones

Aces High
20G, Bronze, 20pts

Complete all Jumps

Wherever I May Roam
40G, Silver, 40pts

Beat all 4 Roaming Racer Bosses

Does Not Obey
20G, Bronze, 20pts

Smash your way through all the Billboards

Tinker, Tailor, Racer, Fly
10G, Bronze, 10pts

Win a Race Event with a modified live tuning setup

Scrappy Racer
10G, Bronze, 10pts

Win an event using a Derelict Car

Comeback is Real
10G, Bronze, 10pts

Be last during the final lap or a race and still win

1500 bhp…Easy
25G, Bronze, 25pts

Win a race in the Koenigsegg Regera without damaging it

Perfect Shift
20G, Bronze, 20pts

Win a Drag Race round by performing only perfect shifts

Still Not Loving Police
40G, Silver, 40pts

Take down 100 cop vehicles

Active Lifestyle
40G, Silver, 40pts

Get a 3 star rating on all the activities in the game

Cover Stars
40G, Silver, 40pts

Own the BMW (M5) 2017, NISSAN Skyline GT-R (1999) and Chevrolet Bel Air

Driving the Incredible
25G, Bronze, 25pts

Score over 350k points with the BMW M5 F90 2017 during a Drift Trial event

Supercars for Breakfast
25G, Bronze, 25pts

Beat all members of the 1% Club roaming racers league in the NISSAN GT-R

The Ultimate Payback
PlayStation 4 Platinum Trophy

Collect all trophies

You’ve also got twenty hidden achievements to collect, wouldn’t want us to spoil the surprise now would you?

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