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April Monthly Update

Check out what’s new in PvZ3 this month!


Plants vs. Zombies 2

Howdy Neighborville residents!

April has come to a close, marking another month with new levels and units, even more story to enjoy, and continued improvements to Plants vs. Zombies 3. We can’t wait to unveil even more thrilling content in the weeks to come! Let’s celery-brate; join us in our month-end recap!

This past few weeks unveiled two new units: Stealth Imp, whose ability to vanish from sight will allow him to strike unexpectedly, and Lychee, who wields area-of-effect damage when defeated! These new units bring fresh strategies and challenges to the battlefield, so be sure to plant appropriately - we’re rooting for you! 

Some eagle-eyed players may have noticed that Lychee has now quietly appeared in some earlier stages as we continue to balance the early-game experience. We’ve been carefully tweaking the game like this to improve how it feels for all players.

40 additional levels were also rolled out this month, with more waiting on the horizon (and even more Plants and Zombies planned for release regularly)! We also have some great recurring weekly events running in the game with fantastic prizes; be sure to check them out in-game to see which events are running on which days of the week! We’re keeping an eye on how these events are performing and would love to hear from you about which are your favorite and why. Let us know on our social channels - we can’t wait to hear from you!

We’ve also been diligently looking into our data insights and player feedback with the goal of improving the game and expectations - specifically surrounding difficulty, which can often feel like a thorn in your side. We understand the delicate balance between challenge and frustration, and our team has been hard at work refining gameplay to ensure satisfying and engaging progression. A significant number of changes have already been released with even more coming soon. We appreciate everyone’s feedback during this soft launch. The goal is to create a game that is strategic and where victory feels like a triumph!

Thanks again for being a part of our blooming, passionate community. Stay tuned for more updates in the weeks to come!

Plant on!


The PvZ3 Team

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