Kit Reveal: Master Qui-Gon

UNIT NAME: Master Qui-Gon
CATEGORIES: Support, Galactic Republic, Jedi
Key Attributes:
- Willing to take a risk to help empower his allies and punish the enemies.
- Draws the attention of the enemy by stealthing his allies if there is no decoy.
- Keeping an eye out for opportunities, he rolls a chance cube that can deal Special damage based on his increased Max Health and Queen's Protection.
- He boldly supports his allies by giving defensive capabilities with his Territory War omicron.
- Qui-Gon Jinn is an iconic character so we jumped at the opportunity to get another version in the game
- We chose the name Master Qui-Gon for the unit as that is how Obi-Wan referred to him in many scenes of The Phantom Menace (which directly led to us using the name Padawan Obi-Wan for the other half of the pair).
- To get through various challenges Qui-Gon leveraged gambling as an ally, so we put a nod to this when he rolls the chance cube (and influences the outcome…)
- Qui-Gon as a support for the team felt appropriate from his time protecting the Queen rather than fighting a war for her
- Poncho! (Seriously, we want alternate versions of characters to have fairly distinct looks, and this was a look from Phantom Menace that we thought would appeal to our players)
Strategy Tips:
- Try to maintain Accuracy Up to help sustain his allies.
- He will assist Jedi who attack during his turn, so pairing him with another Jedi that assists frequently will maximize his number of attacks.
- How do we get Master Qui-Gon?
- Master Qui-Gon is a marquee unit who will be available starting at 11a Pacific on Thursday May 23rd
- Does he use the new, experimental, Marquee structure?
- Yes, but he will require Padawan Obi-Wan for the tiers above the first one (we will have Padawan Obi-Wan available to anyone who missed him the first time around to make sure no one is locked out of the higher tiers because they can’t get Padawan Obi-Wan).
- Can the Chance Cube ever come up red?
- Currently No. The entire ability is balanced around the Blue result and that is the only result that can happen thanks to Qui-Gon’s Force manipulation.
BASIC: Ataru Strike
Final Text:
Deal Special damage and inflict Breach on target enemy for 1 turn. During Master Qui-Gon's turn, all Galactic Republic allies with Heal Over Time or Protection Over Time gain Defense Up for 1 turn. If Master Qui-Gon has Accuracy Up, all Galactic Republic allies recover 10% Health and Protection.
SPECIAL 1: Feel, Use Your Instincts (CD:3)
Final Text:
Dispel all buffs on target enemy. If target enemy had any buffs dispelled this way, inflict them with Buff Immunity for 1 turn, and remove 50% Turn Meter. If the ally in the Leader slot was Queen Amidala at the start of battle, Master Qui-Gon Exposes all enemies for 2 turns and if an enemy is inflicted with Doubt, Stun them for 1 turn, which can't be resisted. Master Qui-Gon gains 100% Defense for 2 turns and Legendary Battle Meditation for 1 turn, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. If no allies are Taunting, all other non-Galactic Legend Galactic Republic allies Stealth for 2 turns. If an ally is Taunting, all non-Galactic Legend Galactic Republic allies gain Speed Up for 2 turns, instead.
This ability can't be evaded.
SPECIAL 2: I'll Take That Bet (CD:3)
Final Text:
Roll a Chance Cube.
If the result is red: This ability has no effect.
If the result is blue: Deal Special damage based on 5% of his Max Health (+2% per stack of Queen's Protection) to all enemies. Dispel all debuffs on all Galactic Republic allies. Master Qui-Gon gains 25% Max Health and Max Protection (stacking, max 100%) for rest of the encounter and ally Padawan Obi-Wan gains 30% Offense for 2 turns. If the ally in the Leader slot is Queen Amidala, and there is no active ally Handmaiden Decoy, she gains Critical Damage Up and Foresight for 2 turns. If there is an active ally Handmaiden Decoy, the Decoy gains 25% Max Health and Max Protection for rest of the encounter. All Galactic Republic allies gain Tenacity Up for 2 turns and inflict Tenacity Down on all enemies for 2 turns.
Master Qui-Gon will influence the outcome of the Chance Cube roll.
UNIQUE 1: Stay Close to Me (Zeta, Omicron)
Final Text:
At the start of battle, and whenever Galactic Republic allies are Stunned, they gain Defense Up and are immune to Turn Meter Reduction for 1 turn. Whenever any other Jedi ally attacks during Master Qui-Gon's turn, he assists (once per turn). Whenever Master Qui-Gon is critically hit, all Galactic Republic allies gain 30% Protection Up for 2 turns, all Galactic Republic Attacker allies recover 10% Health, gain Advantage for 2 turns, and ally Padawan Obi-Wan gains Critical Damage Up for 2 turns. While enemies are inflicted with Tenacity Down they have -30% Critical Damage and Defense. The first time any Galactic Republic ally (excluding summons) falls below 50% Health, if the ally in the Leader slot is Galactic Republic, the Leader takes a bonus turn, dispel all debuffs on the Leader, and all Galactic Republic allies gain 25% Max Health until the end of the encounter. If the ally in the Leader slot is Queen Amidala at the start of battle, she gains 25% Turn Meter (50% if there is an active ally Padawan Obi-Wan), and Master Qui-Gon assists whenever she uses her Basic ability.
While in Territory Wars and all allies are non-Galactic Legend Galactic Republic: At the start of the encounter, all allies gain 50% Max Health (100% Max Health if the ally in the Leader slot is Queen Amidala) for the rest of the encounter, and Defense Up for 3 turns. Whenever Master Qui-Gon is critically hit, he gains Foresight and 10 Speed (stacking, max 50) for 2 turns. Whenever Master Qui-Gon is defeated all allies gain 50% Offense for 2 turns and recover 100% Protection. If the ally in the Leader slot is Galactic Republic, when they have less than 50% Health, Master Qui-gon gains 50% bonus Protection for 2 turns at the start of his turn.
If the ally in the Leader slot is Queen Amidala:
- Whenever a Galactic Republic ally attacks out of turn, they deal 50% more damage, remove 25% Turn Meter, and inflict Ability Block for 1 turn which can't be evaded on target enemy.
- Whenever Master Qui-Gon gains Legendary Battle Meditation, all non-Galactic Legend tank enemies are inflicted with Healing Immunity and Protection Disruption for 1 turn which can't be dispelled, evaded, or resisted.
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