Party On! The Sims Turns 20
Ooboo vroose baa dooo! (Happy birthday, The Sims!)
We have a lot to cover today, Simmers, so grab a Salty Llama, hop into your new 20th Birthday Hot Tub*, and raise your glass for a toast!
Twenty years ago, we never could have imagined that The Sims™ would be where it is today. But you made it happen. We’re still here—and thriving—because of you, the community. Your passion for this game drives us to keep creating every day, just as it has for the last two decades. We’re grateful for everything you do, from helping us create a new Stuff Pack to repping your love for The Sims with merch. Be sure to check out our new limited-edition birthday collection from Threadless.
Think about that: for twenty years, Simmers like you have been designing the perfect home, creating unique Sims, and playing with life. Every day, we’re surprised and delighted by the things you share, from your beautiful builds to gladiatorial contests that test what your Sims can (or cannot) survive. Your creativity inspires us and humbles us, and celebrating the birthday of The Sims is really celebrating all of you.
So how are we doing this? Strap in for a heck of a party! To get this thing started, we have a small update going live today with a special free in-game item for everyone. Hint: Sims can use this item while they chat it up, skinny dip, or WooHoo. All you have to do is log on to take advantage of the in-game giveaway of the Birthday Hot Tub on any platform. Find it in the Build catalog under the outdoor activities sort. Then hit the bubbles, relax, and indulge in your favorite memories of The Sims as we take a trip back down memory lane. We’ve gone through quite the glow-up, if we do say so ourselves.

From the beginning, The Sims has been about playing with life, creating and designing a world in which anything can happen. Even back then, The Sims put a lot of emphasis on inclusion and the freedom to play as you like with the capability to romance any Sim, pick any career path, or spend all of your time in Build/Buy mode. It’s changed a lot in the past twenty years, though, as our understanding of those ideas has evolved. More than just reflecting life as it is, The Sims opens up new possibilities and does away with limits. It gives you a space to push boundaries, explore new ideas, and challenge the status quo. There is no wrong way to play The Sims!
As the rest of the month goes on, we’ll continue celebrating this history on our social channels. Follow along on Twitter and Instagram as your fellow Simmers relive all of their favorite moments—inadvertent deaths, hundred-baby challenges, Sims swimming through the ground…. Use the hashtag #PlayWithLifeChallenge to chime in with your own experiences and share your joy (and your memes)! There is so much to appreciate, and we’ve gathered up some fun data reflecting everything you’ve done with The Sims here. Did you know there have been over 1.3 billion WooHoos in the game?

Those are some impressive numbers… and some really busy Sims!
We have so much more in store for you in this new decade, and we can’t wait to share the journey with you. Thank you for all of your creativity, your passion, and your hilarity. You are the best players in the world.
Here’s to twenty more years of playing with life!
Get the party started on The Sims 4 Forums, follow us on Twitter and Instagram, like us on Facebook, and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Make sure you also sign up for The Sims 4 newsletter to get updates about the next twenty years of playing with life.
*Requires The Sims 4 game on applicable platform (sold separately) and all game updates to play.