Tour the EA Mobile Japan Studio in Tokyo, Japan
EA Staff
There are tons of EA studios located all around the world, each specialising in different games.
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Built in 2011, there are over 60+ team members working out of EA Mobile Japan, where the team is focused on building Top 20 Free to Play titles for mobile devices.
Meet Christine Suzuki, the studio’s Administrative Assistant and our guide for an exclusive, behind-the-scenes tour of the studio.
EA Mobile Japan Studio is located in Nishi-Shinjuku, one of the major metropolitan cities of Tokyo. Nishi-Shinjuku is a business district and it is said to have the largest concentration of skyscrapers in Tokyo!
The Studio is located right across from Shinjuku Central Park and with lots of offices nearby, the team staff often travels out for lunch as a group, with amazing ramen and authentic Italian all within a walking distance.
Those at the studio can even catch a glimpse of Mt. Fuji from the elevator hall!
It’s especially beautiful at sunset when the skies turn orange and a silhouette outlines the mountain.
The studio is most well known for their development of FIFA World Class Soccer, and Tetris® Monster, which are two popular games released only in Japan. FIFA World Class Soccer is currently ranked #2 for mobile soccer titles in the App Store.
Live services are a key factor for success in the Japanese market, so the team is often working on new events and feature updates.
The studio is divided into projects. Currently, there is a live team focused on WCS (World Class Soccer), another developing the new FIFA mobile title, and a third managing external projects.
The studio provides free drinks from the vending and coffee machines and up to 3,000 YEN (approximately $26 USD) monthly reimbursement of mobile in-game purchases.
The staff regularly gets to experience seasonal events such as summer BBQs and Hanami (a Japanese party under the cherry blossom tree).
There’s always lots of snacks lying around for the team.
The staff enjoys regular “Happy Friday” parties.
These studio-sponsored events welcome the entire studio to enjoy free beer and ice cream. It’s always a big hit!
Playing games and hanging out go hand in hand!
With project deadlines seemingly always approaching, the studio can sometimes get stressful, so the team focuses on providing outlets for the staff.
The “Friday” parties provide a chance to relax, chat, and play some games.
The team has even been known to have a dance battle, and a futsal tournament now and then!
To learn more about EA Mobile Japan Studio check out their new website.
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