Skate 2 Demo out now on Xbox Live
The Skate 2 Demo is out now for Xbox Live Gold Members.
The demo lets you try out some of Skate 2's party modes with up to 3 friends on your Xbox console or jump straight into the story mode on your own.
The Story mode follows on directly from the Skate 2 intro movie and lets you create your new persona, altering your face and body type, tweaking your features and picking up some new threads from the store.
Once you are happy with how you look your faithful photography friend takes you down to Slappy's Skate park, on the way there you will learn how to get off your board and move objects around.
In the skate park you can do a number of challenges, each one extending the 5minute counter you start with, giving you plenty of time to explore and try out some new tricks.
Try pressing (rb) at the lip of a ramp to do a handplant or press (a) + (x) while on your board to do a hippy jump. A full trick list can be found in the pause menu.
The Skate 2 demo will be available for Xbox Live silver members and PLAYSTATION® Network on January 16th.