Meet the EA UK gamescom crew
Meet the UK superfans who’ll be bringing gamescom 2016 to you.
For this year’s gamescom we’re handing over the EA UK Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts to some of the brightest stars of the UK gaming community. They’ll be tweeting, livestreaming, snapping photos and bringing you all of the hot news direct from the show floor.
You’ll be able to follow their adventures, ask them about what they’ve played at the show and maybe even win a few prizes in the following places:
Meet the Team
You might recognise Westie from the Battlefield 1 Reveal event earlier this year or maybe the world’s first gameplay livestream from EA Play, but those who have been subscribers to his YouTube Channel will know that he is the place to go for all the Battlefield 1 news. Westie will be your eyes and ears on the show floor and will also be shoutcasting from the Battlefield Squads livestream from the Grand Opening on Tuesday Night.
Jade Jolie
One of the super stars of the UK livestreaming community you’ll usually find Jade live on Twitch every day playing her favourite FPS games and hanging out with her followers. Be sure to tune in to Jade’s Twitch channel on Tuesday evening during the Grand Opening and show your support as she kicks ass in the world’s first Titanfall 2 livestream.
Arekkz runs his own YouTube channel dedicated to all kinds of different games and sports what is probably the most impressive beard of the EA UK Community. Arekkz will be patrolling the show floor hunting out the latest news, talking to developers and sharing every bit of info he finds with you all.
Since before it was even announced La5ty has been asking daily if he can come and play FIFA 17 and at EA Play LDN this year we practically had to pry him away from the controller with a crowbar. We’re sure gamescom will be no different and he’ll be your man on the sidelines for all things FIFA 17 at the show.
Be sure to follow EA UK on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for all the news brought to you by the UK crew and keep your eye on the EA gamescom website for more from the show floor.