Cops in Palm City are always on the lookout for reckless drivers. During the day they play by the rules. At night, rogue cops will use any means necessary (from kill switches to copters) to stop you.

You’ll have to go out of your way to rile up the cops patrolling Palm City during daylight hours. They’re more professional and controlled, but push things too far and they’ll pull out all the stops.
After dark, the rules change when a rogue task force comes out to play. Led by Mercer, they’re on the hunt for you and your wheels. It won’t take as much for things to escalate when the sun goes down.

Your Heat level goes up when you break the law. As it rises cops will try harder to stop you – push it too far and they won't hold back. Lay low in a safehouse or your garage to bank your Rep and lower your Heat level – but make sure you lose your tail first.

Cops will try and slow you down by boxing you in; if they succeed you'll get busted and pay a hefty fine in Bank. And lose most of your earned Rep for the night. Your car can only take so much damage, and if you can't make it to a gas station or your garage in time, get ready to wreck.

It takes brains and skill to outmaneuver and outrun the Palm City PD. A quick turn at the right second can send them swerving off in the wrong direction and give you the opening you need to make a hot getaway. Lose all the cops on your tail and you're home free. During the day an escape means your Heat goes back to zero, and you're no longer Palm City's most wanted – at night just make it back to the garage or a safehouse and your accumulated Heat acts as a multiplier on the Rep you'll earn.
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