Deploy as Powerful Special Characters
Call in the Reinforcements

By now, you’ve likely heard about heroes like Yoda, Darth Maul, and Rey coming to Star Wars™ Battlefront™ II. And we’re hoping that you’ve taken a look at each of the four distinct and customizable trooper classes you’ll be controlling this November. You've seen hints of vast space battles coming in Starfighter Assault, and you've caught glimpses of the myriad, beautiful planets of the galaxy waiting to be discovered. Today, we’d like to take a closer look with you at another completely new Star Wars Battlefront II feature: special characters.
Special characters stand out. They're a step between troopers and heroes – distinct, powerful game changers. Special characters break stalemates at choke points, leap over enemy lines to launch surprise attacks, and flush foes out of hiding with streams of liquid flame. Alongside vehicles, they’re part of the new reinforcement system, fueling ever-escalating stakes and increasing tension in every battle.
Using Battle Points earned in combat, you can choose to respawn as one of many unique special characters from Star Wars™ lore. Although you won’t wield the raw power of Han Solo or Darth Maul, you’ll be much more than a match for a single trooper, and you’ll continue to earn Battle Points for assists and kills, progressively unlocking even more options to pilot vehicles and become hero characters.
Each special character comes equipped with potent weapons and powerful abilities. Some, like the Clone Jumptrooper can rocket over the heads of enemies to take them from behind. Others, like the Death Trooper can deploy deadly devices like the spectacular Sonic Imploder.
Special characters typically appear on maps where their presence is thematically appropriate. You’ll encounter First Order Flametroopers on Starkiller Base, but you're not likely to see them on Theed.
We’ll be revealing new details about special characters in the coming months. To see reveals and images the moment they’re live, check out EA Star Wars on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Pre-order Star Wars Battlefront II now and get early access to the upcoming multiplayer beta* and a whole lot more.
*BETA OFFER EXPIRES 3 DAYS PRIOR TO BEGINNING OF EARLY ACCESS PERIOD. Other conditions and restrictions apply. See for details.