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Incorporating ML Research Into Game Audio Production: ExFlowSions Case Study

How can we give superpowers to game audio creators using AI?

This presentation by SEED’s Mónica Villanueva and Jorge García showcases the challenges and lessons learned from turning an ML research project into a working tool and making it usable for audio and sound designers in game audio production. The project was called ExFlowSions.

Mónica and Jorge delivered their presentation at the AES Europe 2024 conference, which was held on 15 June 2024 at the Polytechnic University of Madrid in Spain.

Project ExFlowSions started as a Master’s thesis project at SEED. The model generates variations of explosion sound effects for an arbitrary number of channels. Additionally, it supports timbre transfer of any sound to explosion sounds. The model was provided and tested as an audio tool prototype that included a friendly user interface.

Download the presentation deck (PDF 3.4 MB).

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