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Learn the best ways to utilize Mini-Games in Madden NFL 24. In this video, you’ll learn how to effectively play Rushing Attack, QB Target Passing and many more. You will also learn how to use run, pass and defensive concepts as well as mastering pre-play and advanced techniques.


Video transcript:

Mini games are finally back in Madden and with Madden 24. I'm here to show you some of the best tips you can use on a few of my favorite mini games sponsored by the EA creator network.

Rushing Attack

Now first we're using rushing attack. One thing I'm going to tell you when you're doing any mini game is know what mini game you basically want to do. If you want to do a couple passing and a couple rushing, make sure you're using a team that has a good quarterback and a good running back, and the same goes for any position. Whatever drills or types you want to do, make sure you have a good player at those positions to do it. Now, rushing attack is pretty straightforward. Just don't use the turbo until you get past the first blocker. Once you get past that first blocker, follow your wood lane all the way through.

When you got easy touchdowns, I'd honestly argue that this basic version of rushing attack is like one of the easiest ones. Sometimes you got to use a little juke move, which you can use on the right stick. You can actually hit left stick and right stick in the same direction at the same time, and that'll give you some pretty nasty juke combos. But for the most part, you might have a hiccup here and there, but you can pretty much get silver or gold pretty easily here. If you take your time, find your running lanes and break some ankles along the way, you can get a pretty high score too. For me personally, I have 56,432. Lemme know your high score down below in the comments.

Target Passing Drills

Now everybody should be trying out the target passing drill in my opinion because it's really going to help you be a better passer overall and really figure out where the ball should be going.

Now, one of the first thing I recommend when doing this, again, make sure you have a very good quarterback. We're using Joe Burrow for this example, but you also want to hold the left trigger or L two if you're on PlayStation to really see where the targets are and if you can line up some that maybe are going to be two at once. That is ideal for us. We're going to be looking at Jamar Chase in this one as a deep route that comes back in. We're going to try to hit the first target right in front of us and the deep target a little bit down the field. Some people will stand right in the middle. I recommend moving just a little bit. Again, our goal here is to hit X on this deep throw. We're going to try to time it here. We get the first target and we get the second target, but we kind of overthrow 'em, but still we got a good amount of points from it.

You can see the same thing. Again, you start in the middle. There's no penalty for rolling out to the left or the right hand side. We're going to try to find a guy here. We're going to see if we can hit B. We get him with the first one and we hit the second target. Unfortunately, these guys aren't catching, but you kind of get the general sense of how you should be doing it. Here's a perfect example of trying to hit two targets at once. Right here, we're going to have X directly in front of us. We're going to throw that one. We get two easy targets and we get the deep catch down the field and again. Lastly, we'll try to hit two more targets here. We're going to see that we've got X as a possibility. We threw it a little bit early.

He's still going to get the catch. That's going to be enough to give us a little bit of silver. Now once you play the target passing mini game, they also have your version that moves and this is just absolutely chaotic. Really what you want to do is again, kind of pull back the view, look and see what you have out here and try to see if you can time it up with when you snap the ball and when two targets are going to be lined up. That's really your goal here for us. We're going to try to wing it right here. We're going to see if we can get one target. We don't get the second one, but still we get a completion. As you can see, there's also varying degrees of how these move. You might be able to get lucky and hit three or you might be able to hit zero still. This is definitely one of those you want to take your time, find it out, play around here a bit. It is going to be difficult, but you can get probably at least bronze with some skill If you can get goal, you are an absolute legend.

There we go. We get two on that final one. Your main goal here is just to make sure or we actually have one more. Your main goal here is to make sure that you can get as many of these as you can in a row that are actually hitting a target there. We missed that top one at the very end, but as you hit the targets you get a higher score. 11,870 is not a great score, but it is enough to get you a bronze. See if you can do better. One of my favorite things about the mini games that they are really designed to make you better at the game while still being challenging and fun. You could play these by themselves. You could warm up with these. You could do a lot to really improve your game by playing these.

Rushing Option

The rushing option one is super fun because basically you're going to be able to use whatever quarterback you want and then you can see that the R key is going to be the person you need to read.

If they stay put, you hand it off to your running back. If they go after the running back, then you keep on running. This is also going to be a triple option, so you can see the P key is going to be for the pitch man based off what they do. If they attack us, we pitch it to the other guy. If they go to the other guy, we keep it and we keep on running. You see how many times you can score and see what your high score is, so here for example, you see that you can actually pitch it out there in that situation and then we've got Joe Mixon trying to break some ankles. These are going to go all the way into the end zone again, right back at it again. This time we're going to hand it off to the underneath guy.

We're going to use the cones to try to go as much as we can and we're in the end zone again. Again, this will keep you as a read and react system and make you better when you're playing people online on your couch or in your franchise. You kind of worked our way through this and we're doing a pretty good job I think, but again, you want to get in the end zone as many times as you possibly can and you still have a little bit of time as you're working against the timer in the top left, our last real attempt here, they're going to go right to us. We should be able to get Joe Mixon right into the end zone and we're going to run a dude over. We end up getting 28,000, which isn't bad, not quite gold, but again, it's a fun drill to really work on your option game.

Backfield Survival

Backfield survival. Home-based is I think the funnest drill in my opinion. What you're going to do is you're first going to hit the 500 there. Your goal is to stay alive as long as you can and you also want to get these little options that pop around here when the first defender's coming after you just try to get him hung up on this far side. Don't get him hung up on the close side. You're not using your turbo at all. You're trying to keep your stamina in a good spot. You want this defender to get kind of hung up once he's kind of hung up. Now, you can run over here, get yourself the 500. Don't go out of bounds or go in the opposite end zone because if you do that, you're going to kind of mess yourself up here. We're going to try to use this little bar to trip these defenders up and as you can see, that's going to help us out.

We can get back around here. We should have enough stamina, get all the way back in here, which is going to give us the speed boost that we need. We need again to get as many of these five hundreds as we possibly can. I don't know how we're surviving. This is so close. Okay, no, no, no, no, no. We're mixing Again, you want to use a fast running back for this. I am so dumb I didn't use turbo the last second, but as you can see, this is fun. You want to evade as long as you can, use as many of the obstacles to your favor.

Trench Battle

Trench battle is a lot of fun. You have three attempts, you have 10 seconds to get to the quarterback and you basically need to get by each offensive lineman and get to the quarterback as quickly as you can while sacking them and getting into the target.

What I'll tell you is the quicker you do this the better, so if you're kind of messing around like I am right here, it's not going to be great for you, but you want to get around and get 'em in there. One final one left. Don't spam these either. Again, you have a certain stamina bar. Sort of do left and right, figure out which way you can go and move them around and then get yourself in there. We got a nice little silver here. Again, the quicker you are, the higher your score is going to be.

Red Zone Battle

A drill that will teach you to be a much better coverage player is going to be this red zone sort of QB battle that you've got here. You are essentially trying to lock down the opposing receiver. There's going to be eight total reps you can essentially do.

I recommend using the left stick to kind of straffe and if a guy's not open, there's a sack timer and we're already just getting interception after the interception, but again, as you're backing up, use the left stick, shade them to sort of one side and try to jump the ball based off where they go. Russell Wilson seems to be struggling a little bit. We kind of have a jump on where they're going, but he actually catches one on us, but even though they didn't score, you still get some points allowing a catch. It's typically about 25. I'm surprised when didn't get the interception. Three reps left again using the left trigger to really figure out which direction you need to be going. Now you lock up gold. I think this is one of the easier ones to get gold. As long as you're using the left trigger and you're basically sitting on the routes they're throwing, you get a couple of interceptions, you're going to be golden here.

Again, last rep seeing where he is going over here to the right side, that would've been a pick six in my book, 19,275. Can you beat that score?

Coffin Corner punting Drill

One of the more interesting and honestly fun drills in my opinion too is the coffin corner punting drill. Now you have a couple options here. You can sky kick, you can normal kick, you can backspin. Really for these, you want to be paying attention to the wind and I recommend trying this out a couple of times beforehand. I usually do the normal kick and I try to make sure that I have max power max accuracy and I kind of stay over here to this left side. When you do that, you can get a coffin corner punch just like that. Something I would also pay attention to is the direction of the wind here. For example, you can see we have a four mile an hour wind.

It's kind of blowing a little bit more to the right, a little slightly. We can kick one over here to this side and see if you can get a proper bounce. That's going to put us in the orange for 300. That might be one of the best coffin quarter punts I've had. Now, again, this is a difficult drill. It's going to take a lot of repetition. There's a little bit of luck I think into it, but your main focus is finding a zone that works for you. Again, I try to play really close to this left sideline and see if you can stay within that orange, that red area.

Hurricane Season one

And lastly, the craziest one you could possibly do here, which is a timed one mind you is going to be this hurricane season one, which is going to require a ridiculous amount of patience and a little bit of luck.

You're on a timer, so you've got to be very careful with this one, but your goal with a hundred mile, hundred mile an hour plus winds is to try to find a way to get in gold coasts. Now as you can see, it's swaying a lot, so you want to try to time the sway where your spots are lined up in the middle and see if you can get lucky enough to actually hit one off the buzzing. So here for example, again, it's sway far right. We're going to try to get that in the green, see if our accuracy is lined up. Perfect, and we miss if you're going to use the team for this one, I recommend pretty much using the Baltimore Ravens. Get Justin Tucker. Justin Tucker obviously is going to be the best kicker of all time and incredible 500 points on accuracy there, but Tucker is really going to be the guy that helps you get this job done.

Some other teams like the Bengals have solid kickers as well, but if you want to make sure you do the best job, get Justin Tucker. 35 seconds left. Again, we're going to try to lock this in. I'm trying to time it up to hit that. We were so close. Another big one here. Can we time it? We are just missing that bullseye 15 left on this one. A wild kick. We'll take the 300 accuracy. You can do pretty well on these and you can get a number of these off, but really you just want to find the ones that don't really have much sway to them. Last one here, we're just going to try to put it through the blue, see if we can help us out. The final kick that we're going to go after, we'll take the 150 and even the basic fuel goal one is really fun.

I think it honestly helps you really figure out how to hit different kicks from different lengths and if you're newer to the game or to see a little bit of practice, this is a great way to go about it. Well, this one's got a chance. Oh, we just missed the bullseye. Again, down to sort of our last kick right here. See if you can put one through the bullseye I think is extremely hard to hit. You need a little bit of luck and a whole lot of timing. We're going to finish out here with the silver. Try these drills out, use these different tips and just remember for the field goes soft and for the punting, a whole lot of it is about accuracy. For the defensive back ones, it's really about timing and patience and reading where that wide receiver is going with the quarterback stuff. There's a lot of timing and patience and you really see the thread of timing and patience being the core of what you need to do across all these mini games. Lemme know what your favorite scores are, what your highest scores are. I would love to see 'em down in the comments below. He's safe, smart. Tell somebody and love them. Catch you guys on the next one.



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Madden NFL 24