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Club Wars arrives in SimCity BuildIt!

Lights, Camera, Movie City!

Hello Mayors!

Club Wars has arrived! Battle your way to victory and rewards with your fellow Club members against opposing Clubs in the all new real-time PvP mode for SimCity BuildIt.

What will I be doing in Club Wars?
You'll be unleashing crazy disasters on enemy cities, earning the spoils of war, collecting Disaster Cards, and upgrading them for even more powerful attacks.

How does it work?

Here's the basics of Club Wars:

  • Form a club, chat and trade with club members, plan your strategy, and declare war together
  • Attack fellow Mayors’ cities and do damage to earn war points and fame
  • As the war wages on, trade war loot to help friends attack the enemy Clubs
  • Afterward, collect your rewards to use for upcoming battles or to improve your city

How does a war start?
In order to start a Club War the President, Vice President or a Seniors level member of your club needs to initiate the war via the Club War island.

Once a war ends there is a cool down period of 46 hours before your club can initiate a new war.

How does a Club War work?
Each war consists of two phases, a preparation phase and an attack phase.

Preparation Phase (12 Hours):
Preparation is the key to victory!
During this phase you will need to collect war items by completing war deliveries (similar to Cargo Ship Shipments), do reconnaissance on the opposing Club, and discuss potential strategy with your fellow club members. 

Attack Phase (36 Hours):
To succeed in war you need to attack!
During the attack phase you can start launching spectacular disasters at your opponents! Each disaster requires a specific set of items to launch it, so keep completing war deliveries during the Attack phase, to keep your war engine running.

How do you win a war?
Each attack you launch at an opposing city will earn you points. The team that collects the most points during the war will win.

Earn more points by upgrading your disasters.

What if I keep getting targeted during a Club War?
If your city gets hit by multiple attacks and you have a lot of destroyed buildings in your city, a protective shield will automatically pop up to protect you.

While your city is shielded you cannot be attacked any more, but you also will be unable to launch any disasters at your opponents.

The shield will disappear once you have repaired all the buildings in your town.

Will my city be destroyed?
No worries, General Vu has carefully crafted his disasters to only destroy buildings and not people. Your cities population is safe and any damage that is inflicted to your city can be repaired for more supplies and rare rewards (for example: shiny Golden Keys).

At the end of a war your city will auto-repair.

So don't be afraid to give it your all to win.

Will I be playing alone?
Nope! As every good general knows a single soldier doesn't win a war. You'll need to work, strategize and coordinate with your entire Mayor's Club to emerge victorious.

Working together you and your Club will need to chat, trade, and attack together in order to emerge victorious.

What will I need to play Club Wars?
To participate in a Club Wars, you’ll need to be level 18 and part of a Mayor’s Club.
If you’re looking for a Club try searching the hashtag #SimCityClubs on Twitter or Facebook or check the comments on one of our Mayor’s Club recruiting posts on Facebook http://bit.ly/2hNx29h.

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