A Guide for the Tomb of General Tarsis Mission
Find out what you’ll need to do to trigger this mission and get some tips on completing it successfully.

MTashed walks you through triggering this important mission in Anthem™ and gives you some insight on how to complete it successfully.
After finishing “Meeting with Corvus,” you’ll need to speak with Tassyn, so make sure to do that to continue the story. This action will unlock Strongholds and, after that happens, Faye will request that you speak with her. It’s recommended you do this immediately rather than waiting because it officially begins the Tombs of the Legionnaires mission. By doing it in this order, your upcoming efforts in Freeplay and Strongholds will apply directly to this mission.
Once the mission is unlocked, head out into Freeplay (where you are free to roam) in search of the four Legionnaires’ tombs. These tombs are scattered around the map and will require some searching, but look for map markers if you get lost on the way.
Tomb order (nearest to farthest from Fort Tarsis):
- Tomb of Yvenia
- Tomb of Artinia
- Tomb of Gawnes
- Tomb of Cariff
Each tomb will require different Challenges to be completed in order to access the entrance. Many of these will require you to defeat enemies, complete activities in Freeplay, as well as completing Strongholds. You can track your progress in the “Challenges” menu under “Freeplay.”
It’s a good idea to complete World Events, Contracts, and Strongholds to meet the requirements of your Challenges. Once you’ve done so, return to each tomb to gather the treasures you’ll find there. This will allow you to continue your journey and, eventually, unlock the Tomb of General Tarsis.
Then head back to Fort Tarsis to speak with Faye, but be prepared, the next part of the mission is pretty difficult. You’ll face not only tricky puzzles but tough swarms of enemies to defeat. Good luck, Freelancer, you’re going to need it.
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