Introduction to Javelin Combat Gameplay
Discover the basics of combat as a javelin pilot in Anthem.

Your javelin exosuit is the key to combat in Anthem™. Its incredible mobility and firepower allow a pilot to evade enemies, get into a strategic position, and unleash utter destruction. We’ve already shown some of the action you’ll experience, but let’s zero in on a few of those key elements so you can fully prepare for battle.
Mobility in Combat
Expert pilots use every advantage as they take down enemies with ruthless efficiency. Here the Colossus takes out an enemy at range, only to immediately jump up and fly in for an overhead smash attack to finish off the second target.
Health and Ammo Pickups
On long missions, ammo and health pickups are critical to survival. If you find yourself running low on either resource, take down some enemies and watch for the pickups they’ll drop on the battlefield. If you’re particularly low on ammo, use your gear and melee abilities to conserve ammo until you’re back to comfortable surplus.
Threats can come from all sides, often from elevated positions and at long range. So on abilities with long trajectories, your cypher helps you see where your mortars, grenades, or other arcing projectiles will land.
Teamwork is a vital part of javelin combat, and the best way to maximize your damage as a team is to set up your teammates for massive combos. Here the Storm javelin has released a bolt of electricity to deal area damage and set up a finishing blast from the Colossus. All that’s left is to set back and watch the chaos.
Weak Points
Having three bulging, vulnerable sacs may not work out great for the Swarm Tyrant here, but it’s given these Freelancers a golden opportunity to deal bonus damage by targeting them with everything they’ve got. Identify the weak spots of larger opponents and level the playing field (maybe literally).
Your weapon and gear choices can totally reshape how you fight on your missions, so it’s a great idea to mix up your loadouts to find a playstyle that fits you and your mission. Here we see a Colossus in the distance using a flamethrower to start the party up close, while the other Colossus delivers damage from a distance. Each javelin is highly adaptable, so there are plenty of options to explore as you hone your combat skills.
Ultimate Abilities
Whether you like to use your ultimate ability to start a fight or to finish one – there’s no denying the sheer magnitude of devastation that erupts. Here the Colossus uses the Siege Cannon to blast the broadside of the Swarm Tyrant.
We’ve just scratched the surface of the combat experience here in Anthem. As we get closer to the pre-launch demos, we’ll have even more information on how to optimize your javelin and your strategies to obliterate even the toughest enemies.
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Anthem launches February 22, 2019 for Xbox One, PlayStation® 4, and PC. Early Access begins on February 15 for Origin Access and EA Access members.**
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