• Discover Battlefield 1 Maps and Modes

    If you watched the trailers for Battlefield 1 (and if you're reading this, there’s a good chance you have) you likely noticed a variety of locations at the dawn of all-out war. Deserts. Forests. Crumbling cities. Battlefield 1 will bring you to new and exciting locations and let you take part in some of the largest battles in FPS history.

    Want to take a peek at some more info on what those maps entail and – more importantly – what you'll be doing once you play them? Two new pages have been added to Battlefield.com that should help you out. There's a Maps page , which includes four of the maps that will come with Battlefield 1, as well as a Modes page, complete with insight into three modes.

    These, obviously, aren't the extent of what's going to be available. They're just a taste, and we'll update these pages as we approach the October 21 release (or October 18 if you pre-order the Early Enlister Edition). We can’t wait to tell you more.

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