• How to Be an Effective Sniper in Battlefield V Learn how to take your time and line up the perfect shot.

    Get great tips from BillyEatWorld on becoming a truly deadly sniper in Battlefield™ V.

    The Recon Class has access to some of the most powerful weapons in the game, at least from longer ranges. This means snipers need to consider positioning both in terms of visibility and defensibility. And be sure to choose a fast-firing sidearm in your loadout to help keep you in the fight when moving through close-quarters combat areas. Being able to switch between the two weapons quickly can mean the difference between taking out an enemy and falling under fire yourself.

    The best way to be sure to hit your target from a distance is to aim for the head while making use of the hold breath button to steady your scope. It’s also important to lead your target and compensate for bullet drop. In Battlefield V, bullets don’t instantly hit where you aim, so you’ll need to take target movement and the pull of gravity into consideration.

    You’ll also need to understand Combat Roles. The Sniper Combat Role is the default for the Recon Class and comes with two traits that will help you to spot enemies and hold your breath to steady your aim. This Combat Role is great for those who want to keep their distance from the fight, but if you prefer a more aggressive playstyle, the Pathfinder Combat Role might be a better fit. Its traits are focused around the Recon-specific gadget, the Spawn Beacon.

    One downside of playing Recon to keep in mind is something called scope glint, a telltale signal to enemies that you’re lining up a shot. To avoid becoming a target yourself, try not to stay scoped in for long or use a less powerful scope (2x or lower). Another is slower reload times, so try to do so only when you’re relatively safe or select a detachable magazine upgrade if it’s available as a Specialization for your weapon.

    Learn more about the available Classes in Battlefield V here. Have some more questions? Find your answers on our Battlefield V Boot Camp page.



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