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What Class Should You Play in Battlefield V

Get details on the strengths and weaknesses of each Class to help you decide.

Find out about the Classes you can play in Battlefield™ V in this video from Westie.

There are four available Classes you can take into combat, Assault, Medic, Support, and Recon. Each one has its strengths and weaknesses, and a well-balanced Squad will include a mix to cover their bases (so to speak).

Looking for a Class that revels in destruction? Assault are the masters of mayhem – perfect for harassing the enemy and demolitions, and they’re great fighters whether you’re talking close, medium, or long-range fights. If you like to be right in the middle of the action, and subtlety isn’t your strong suit, Assault may be the perfect Class for you. Just bear in mind that you’ll also make a great target for enemy fire, so keep an eye on your health and either heal up or beat a hasty retreat when it starts to dwindle.  

Unsurprisingly, the Medic Class is all about healing up and reviving their squad and teammates. Submachine guns and really, really big needles are their stock in trade. The former helps them clear enemies at close range and the latter keeps friendly soldiers from joining the choir invisible. They can toss out healing on the go with Bandages, or set up a stationary healing station with their Medical Crate. But they should try to stay close to Assault and Support players as they’re not the heaviest hitters on the battlefield.

Speaking of Support, if you like both defending and re-supplying your squad, you might want to give this Class a try. You’ll be able to get your hands on light and medium machine guns, allowing you to effectively suppress your enemies. But you’re also the keeper of the ammo, and dispensing Ammo Pouches as well as creating ammo stations will make you very popular. Blowing up enemy Fortifications, vehicles, and positions with your AT Grenade Pistol, AT Mines, and AP Mines will make you even more popular.

Looking for a Class that will let you help your squad without being in the thick of combat? Recon may just be for you. This Class is equipped with bolt-action and self-loading rifles, ideal for picking off enemies at long range. Their Spotting Scope and Flare Gun give them an easy (and effective) way to let the rest of the squad know where enemies are massing or hiding out, too. Wise Recon players will always keep a sidearm handy, just in case an enemy gets too close, and avoid tangling with vehicles whenever possible.

Learn more about the available Classes in Battlefield V here. Have some more questions? Find your answers on our Battlefield V Boot Camp page.

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