Capture The Battle With The Battlefield 1 Spectator Mode
If you follow Battlefield on Twitter or Facebook, you’ve likely seen amazing cinematic work by the likes of Berduu, ShadowSix, Hattiwatti, M3RKMUS1C, and many others. Using custom tools, they’ve been able to make amazing videos and screenshots from within Battlefield games – and when Spectator Mode is available in Battlefield 1 in an update soon after launch we want to put more creative tools in your hands.
We enhanced the Spectator Mode for Battlefield 1, and invited a few people out to try the finished tools out for themselves. You can see the results of their capture below, and we’ve asked Berduu to talk a little bit about how the tools work, and to give some tips for people trying them out on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC:
I’m very excited to see the Spectator Mode being implemented in Battlefield 1 for all users. For the first time in franchise history, console players can join in on the PC fun and create cool cinematic videos and screenshots.
To start capturing your own cinematic shots, just join a match as Spectator. Once in-game, you can follow individual soldiers and vehicles using the Director Camera. In this mode, the camera will be locked on to the player’s movement, but you still have total control over its positioning. Explore the camera options to change its behavior.
To really express yourself, I’d recommend trying out the Free Camera. You can set up multiple free cameras around the map, and adjust settings for each individually. At any given time, you can switch over to the free camera of your choice and have total control over it. If needed, adjust the sensitivity and speed to your liking from the camera options.
For a nice cinematic look, play around with the field of view (FOV) and depth of field (DOF) options. For example, a low FOV value of 30 is a good choice for close-up action shots. By adjusting the DOF values, you can control the camera blur and the focus point of your shot.
You can also enable various filters to spice up your footage. Try adjusting the filter strength – for example choose the Noir filter with 30% strength to get a less saturated, film-like look on a map like Sinai Desert.
When you’re good to go, hide the HUD and film away!
Thanks Berduu! We can’t wait to see what everyone is able to create when Spectator Mode is available in Battlefield 1 in an update soon after launch.