How to Use Premium Friends

Have you heard of Premium Friends? If not, here’s a quick recap.
As a player who owns Battlefield 1 Premium Pass, you can bring your friends in Battlefield 1 along to play on maps they normally can’t access*.
Premium Friends is currently active up until Gamescom in August. If you care to try it out, here’s how it’s done:
- Create a party and jump into Battlefield 1.
- If the party contains at least one Battlefield 1 Premium Pass owner it will become "Premium Enabled". Anyone in that party can then play on all maps, regardless if they own the content or not.
So. Whether you’re a Battlefield 1 Premium Pass owner or not – whether you’re feeling generous or curious – give Premium Friends a try.
* Only owners of a Battlefield 1 Premium Pass or the specific expansion pack will earn XP from the expansion’s maps. XP is saved for everyone else and will be granted retroactively if a player later decides to get a Battlefield 1 Premium Pass. Also, only owners of a Battlefield 1 Premium Pass or the specific expansion pack can spawn in with weapons and vehicles unique to the expansion. The same goes for tracking progress towards the expansion’s unique medals and codexes.